Meet The Witches

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Rydel's P.O.V

Hi! My name is Rydel Dowd and I am a witch, but not a bad one.Oh I also have four sisters, the oldest is Savannah, then it's me, then it's Alexa.After Alexa is Courtney and then Savannah.

Because there are two Savannahs we call the oldest one Vanni and the youngest one Sav. I don't know why our parents would name two of tjeir daughters Savannah. But I don't know anything about our parents so that's not surprising.
Anyways I'll tell you a bit about me, I like to cook and dance..oh and hang out with my sisters duh.
Well I have to go dance so bye for now.

Vanni's P.O.V

Well I see you met Rydel, sorry if she talked too much. She's always doing that. I guess I have to say something about me now, ok so I'm the oldest one ,as you may know, and because I'm the oldest one I had to take care of my younger sisters when our parents left us.I had to learn magic all on my own and teach my sisters.I also had to work since I was small to provide a home for us.

My life has been all about protecting my sisters and that means not only protecting them from other witches but also from boys.Ok so you know enough about me now and I have to yeah bye.

Alexa's P.O.V

Hey losers! Jk! My name is Alexa and I love music and food and my sisters of course.That's all I have to say, bye.

Courtney's P.O.V

Hello, I'm Courtney and I love art and I'm super shy.So I'm super different from my sisters but I guess that makes me special.Ok...Bye I guess.

Sav's P.O.V

I'm the youngest out of all of my sisters.I don't tell my sisters but I'm always sad because my parents left right after I was born so that makes me feel like it was my fault.

I know it's stupid but I just feel that way. I'm also a really awful witch. But I do try to keep positive.I just wish there was someone other than my sister who I could just tell everything I'm holding inside.

But that's never going to happen, people don't usually stick around when they find out we have powers. Uh I hate this.

Hi guys this is my first story so please don't be too harsh on me.

Oh and on this story, Vanni and Riker are 21, Rydel and Ellington are 20, Alexa and Rocky are 19, Courtney and Ross 18, and Sav and Ryland are 17.

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I hope you all enjoy the story.

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