Finding Out

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Vanni's P.O.V

As we cook dinner I try to listen to what the guys are talking about. I still don't trust them. Can you blame me though. Who helps two pretty teenage girls carry their groceries to their house in the middle of the woods without wanting something in return?

Plus I have never seen those guys around.I might not visit the town much but I know everyone who lives there. There is definitely something fishy about them but my sisters are trusting them like if they had known them all their lives.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice Riker coming into the kitchen.

"Um, excuse me. Could you please tell me where the bathroom is?" He asked sounding way too polite.
"Yeah, it's right down that hall." Courtney replied. "Ok, thank you." He managed to say before running down the hall to the bathroom. Ok....

"Dinner is almost ready, I'm going to set up the dining table." Rydel told us. "Ok do you want any help?" Alexa offered trying to get out of the kitchen. "No thanks." Was all she said before going to the dining room.

Rydel's P.O.V

I get all the plates and cups and try to balance them. When that didn't work, I used a little bit of my magic to make them float beside me.

I make it to the table before anyone could me and I start setting the table up.

"Do you need any help?" I turn around to see a smiling Ellington waiting for my answer.

"Yeah that would be great!" I respond and hand him the plates so he could start setting them up.
"So are you guys new in this town?" I ask trying to make conversation.

"No, we have lived here since we were little." He responded a little bit too fast. That's strange, I've never seen them around town before.

"What about you guys, why do you live out here in the woods?" He asks. Um, what do I say? I obviously can't tell him that it's because we are witches.
"We are big um... nature lovers." I reply a little unsure.
"Oh that's cool."

Alexa's P.O.V

"I'm going to check if the guys need anything, I'll be right back." I tell my sisters before dashing out of the kitchen. I hate cooking so much.

As I'm about to go into the living room, I hear Rocky, Ross and Ryland whispering something.

"What if they are putting poison on the food so when we eat it we'll die?" Asks Ryland sounding scared.

"You idiot, they don't even know that we are werewolves, why would they want to hurt the five boys who helped them carry their groceries?"
Werewolves? What?

"Yeah,and why would they poison the food when they can just cast a spell and kill us in one second? Don't worry RyRy, they won't do anything." Ross said.

I can't believe they know about us and that they are werewolves. Who have we invited into our house?

Sorry for not updating for like a month, it's been busy and I've had a writer's block. I'll try to update regularly now.

Please like and comment, it would mean a lot to me.

Oh and there is a pic of Alexa She looks amazing

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