Meet the Wolves

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Riker's P.O.V

I'm Riker Lynch.I have four brothers and we are the most powerful werewolves ever! We are also super hot and available, ladies;)

Me and my brothers are now on our way to another town 'cause let's just say that the people on the last town weren't so fond of us.So yeah that's where we are heading.

Ellington's P.O.V

Sup.Ellington here, you can call me Ratliff if you want.My bros call me Rat just to bother me.I get so mad, I once almost bit Rocky's head off for calling me that.Too violent? Nah.

Rocky's P.O.V

Ellington is so exaggerated. I mean who wouldn't like to be called Rat? Rats are the cutest animals, other than sloths of course.Anyway I'm the hot one of the pack.If you haven't already noticed.

Ouch....maybe I shouldn't run and talk at the same time.

Ross's P.O.V

I can't wait to fall in love. If you haven't caught up yet, I'll tell you.Me and my brothers aren't really good with girls.

I wish we were though.I hope to one day fall in love with a girl who understands me.But no girls like werewolves, they always run away.I guess I'll be single the rest of my life.

Ryland's P.O.V

Girls? We don't need girls, not when we are one of the most powerful packs around. We don't need stupid girls holding us down.

Well we are almost to the next town so I'll talk to you later.

Sorry for the random chapter I'm super tired today.

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Tomorrow the chapter it will be a little longer cause it's all going to really begin.

Thanks for reading.

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