Who are they?

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Ross' s P.O.V

We walk for about 20 minutes in complete silence until we reach a small cottage with lots of beautiful flowers surrounding it.

Alexa and Rydel go up front and open up the door.

They go in and we follow them like lost puppies.

"Vanni, Sav, Court! We have visitors!" Rydel yells.

"Visitors? We never have visitors." I hear a small voice mumble.

Soon we hear foot steps descending the stairs. They belonged to three girls, all with dark hair.

"Girls meet Riker, Ellington, Rocky, Ross, and Ryland. They saw us struggling to carry these bags when we where in town and they offered to help." Explains Alexa.

I didn't pay much attention though. I was too focused looking at one of the girls that came from upstairs.

"Umm...Why are you starting at me?" Asked the girl a little freaked out. "Sorry, you are just so beautiful." Right after those words came out of my mouth she turned a deep shade of red. I heard my brothers giggling like crazy but I was too busy blushing to even say anything to them.
Wow I must have sounded so stupid. I mean I just met the girl and now I call her beautiful, what is wrong with me.

Vanni's P.O.V

Did he just flirt with Courtney? Boys are so strange.

"Hi, I'm Savannah." My younger sister said sending them a small smile.

"I'm Courtney." Court said still blushing slightly. "And the one with the awkwardly serious face is Savannah." Alexa said with a smirk.

"There are two Savannahs'?" The boy with the long brown hair-Rocky I think his name was- asked.

"Yeah one is older" Rydel said pointing at me,"and the other one is younger."

"Are you guys sisters?" Blondy asked.
"Yes blondy, we are. Now thank you very much for helping my sisters but you can go now."I said coldly.

"Vanni don't be rude." Rydel scolded me. I swear, sometimes she acts older than she is.

Ryland's P.O.V

The oldest Savannah doesn't seem so happy to have us here. Maybe she knows what we are.

As I was lost in my thoughts I cought the youngest Savannah looking at me dreamily.
Oh no. I mean sure she's pretty but I won't get involved with anyone.

"So which one of you is the oldest." Ellington asks trying to break the ice.

"Vanni is. Then it's me then Alexa. After her is Courtney and finally Sav." Rydel responded Ell with the brightest smile ever.

It was silent for a moment until Alexa asked, "Do you guys want some tea?"
"Sure" said Rocky, "I'll help you make it." He offered with a smile. "Thanks.Come on follow me." Alexa thanked him and then guided him to what I suppose is the kitchen.

Rocky's P.O.V

As I walked with Alexa to the kitchen I observed the pictures on the walls. I noticed they were only pictures of the five girls, were could their parents be.

"Hey Alexa can I ask you something?" I asked quietly. "Sure, shoot." She said.

"Where are your parents?" When I asked the question the bag of the she was holding fell on the floor.

" Um...our parents left us when we were little." She whispered, her voice sounding like she was about to start crying.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." I quickly apologized. "It's ok.Can you help me make the tea now?"
"Yeah of course." She handed me the pot with water so I could put it in the stove.

Alexa's P.O.V

When he asked me about our parents, I froze. We were all very small and it affected us big time so it's not an easy subject to talk about.

I watched him as he carefully lifted the hot pot off of the stove. He put some hot water on the ten cups I had set out. We put the bags of tea inside the cups ans placed the cups on a tray.

When we exited the kitchen and walked into the living room, it was so quite it scared.

Rocky gave the cups to his brothers while I gave my sisters their cups.

I could see that Vanni wasn't comfortable with them being here. Yet I could also see her eyeing Riker. I'll have to ask her about it later.

Second update of the day!

Thanks for reading this story, it means a lot to me.

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