The First Meeting

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Rydel's P.O.V

*ring, ring* I hit the snooze button from my alarm as my eyes get used to the light.

Today I am going with Alexa to the next town to find some things we need for the house. I know we have magic and we could just use a spell and make anything we need appear, but we believe in using our magic for important things.

As I'm walking to the bathroom to get ready, I remember that Alexa won't wake up unless I remind her where we are going.

I make my way to her room which is right next to mine."Lexa come on, wake up.We have to go to the town today." I yell as I knock on the door.

"I know Rydel, I'm already awake." She answers.Well that was easy enough, i think to myself.

I make my way back to my room and into the bathroom.As I'm brushing my teeth, I hear a big thump coming from the stairs.

I quickly run out of the room to find Sav half asleep on the floor."What happened to her?" I hear Courtney ask. "I don't know but can you take her back to her room please? I need to finish getting ready." I almost begged my little sister."Sure." I gave her a small thanks and went back to getting ready.

*20 minutes later*

"Sav, Court, Vanni.We are leaving." I inform my sisters.I heard back some ok's and be safe.
"Let's go Lex." I say to my sister as we walk out the door.

Courtney's P.O.V

I hear the front door slam shut, meaning Lexa and Dells already left.

I continue reading a book that I found in the attic two days ago.It's about witches and their history.It says that once witches and other magical creatures lived in peace with each other.

We don't know much about our kind because when our parents left us,Vanni was young and she hadn't been taught much about magic or witches for that matter.

At least we know how to use our powers to defend ourselves.

I suddenly hear the door open. I look up and see that Sav is sleep walking again. I guide her back to her room and tuck her in. Then I go back to my room to keep reading.

In the Forest Near the Girls' House

Riker's P.O.V

Right now me and my brothers are closer to the next town.We have been running all night and we are all pretty tired.

"Do you smell that?" Asked Rocky. "Yeah I smell it too." Said Ellington.

I smelled the air trying to catch what they were smelling when I suddenly see two girls walking just a few feet away from us.
They were both blond, one with long hair and the other one with slightly shorter hair.

"Wait guys look ahead." I tell my brothers as we stop running. "Are they what we smell?" Rocky asks. "I think so because the smell became stronger.

Wait, I know that scent. They must be witches. "They are witches." Ross says taking the words right out of my mouth.
"We better keep our distance, they might be dangerous." I warn them. "They don't look menacing." Ryland speaks for the first time in hours. "You can't never judge a book by it's cover right." I ask.

Ellington's P.O.V

Those girls don't look dangerous. They are really good looking, well at least their backs are.

We keep following them , but we decide to change into our human form. Just to make sure that if they look back, they won't see five big wolf-like creatures sneaking behind them.

After a few minutes of walking we see a small town in the distance. The girls quicken their step and go into a store in the small town.

We go grab some smothies as we wait for them to finish shopping so we could follow them, again.

We don't want to loose them because they are the only other magical creatures we have come across. Other than an awfully evil witch we encountered a few years ago.
We see them getting out of the store and back on the path where we came from.

Their hands are full with shopping bags so we decide to help them carry the bags. That will be our cover to follow them to their house.

"Excuse me ladies. Those bags seem very heavy, let us help you carry them." I offer trying to sound as nice as possible.

"Oh, that's not necessary. Thank you for offering." The blond with the longer hair replies. "We insist, please let us help." Rocky now offers. "Well they are kind of heavy." The blond with the shorter hair responds eyeing Rocky.

We take what looks the heaviest and start making our way into the woods.

Rocky's P.O.V

"What are your names?" Asks the girl with the shorter hair.

"I'm Rocky, this is Ellington, the blonde one with the longer hair is Ross, the other blonde is Riker, and the last one over there is Ryland.We are all brothers." I reply happily.

"Wow, that's a lot of R's."Says long hair blondy. "By the way I'm Alexa and this is Rydel."Says the girls with the sho- I mean Alexa."We are sisters too." She adds.

"Well it's nice to meet you, I have a feeling we are going to be really good friends."

Didn't update yesterday so I'm double updating today.

I hope you are enjoying this story.

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Oh and shoutout to @IWannaSeeChuSmileR5 her stories are amazing!

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