Do You Want To Stay For Dinner?

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Rydel's P.O.V

I can't believe Vanni doesn't like these guys. I mean they are so nice.

She doesn't trust people easily so it's understandable. Ellington is so cute.

Where did that come from?
I can't like him, we just met.

Anyway.... I'm going to invite them to stay over for dinner. It's about time we had other people around, like normal teens. Even though technically we are not normal, you get what I mean.

"Would you guys like to stay over for dinner?" I ask. I see Vanni's eyes go wide and she was looking at me like she could kill.Ooops.

"Well if you girls don't mind then sure we would love to stay over for dinner." Ellington responds.

"Ok we'll get right on making the food, you guys get comfortable." Alexa tells the boys."Thank you girls." I heard them mumble before we disappeared through the kitchen doors.

"Are you out of your mind." Vanni hissed. "No, I'm just being nice. Maybe you could try it sometime." I told her. "Look Vanni these boys were very nice to help us, I'm just paying them back for being so helpful." I tried to reason with my stubborn sister.

"Fine, but when we finish dinner they are out." She replied harshly.
"Ok.Now let's get cooking!" Sav said enthusiastically.

Riker's P.O.V

After the sisters left I turned to the boys.

"So what's our plan?" Ryland asked. "Well my plan is to enjoy whatever goodness they are making right now." Rocky replied rubbing his stomach.

"No you idiot, I mean are we going to tell them what we are and then bolt or are we going to kidnapp them?" Ryland rephrased his question.

"First of all watch your language cause you are not talking to Ross, and secondly I know what you ment.But right now they trust us, so let's just get on their good side and then we'll see." Rocky told our youngest brother.

"Well they all trust us except for Vanni." I reminded them.
"Oh, you've got a nickname for her already?" Ellington cockily said. "Would you prefer for me to say the oldest Savannah?" I asked him. I was not about to be made fun of.

"Ok, ok, sorry." He apologized.

Ryland's P.O.V

I can't believe they actually like them. Sure they are very pretty, but they are witches, they can't be trusted.

"You  guys are forgetting they are WITCHES!" I whispered-yelled.

"Ry,relax. Even if we couldn't trust them we can easily overpower them, you're forgetting we are werewolves. We'll be fine, don't worry." Ross reassured me.

I do hope he is right, I wouldn't want to hurt someone as pretty as Sav.

Sorry this was so short but I'm so tired and tomorrow I have a very important contest to win at school so I'm a bit stressed out about that.

Anyway, sorry about my ranting. And thank you for reading my story.

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