What do I do?

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Alexa's P.O.V

How? We would have noticed, right?

If they are werewolves and already knew we are witches why didn't they already try something?

I'm so confused, should I tell the girls just to be sure they don't try anything? Wait no, I can't do that I have to talk to them first and let them explain then I will tell my sisters.

I walk into the living room where the boys were just talking. When they see me come in they instantly become quiet.

"Hey guys? Is it okay if I talk to all of you outside for a second please?" I ask ready to kick their butts if they try anything.
"Sure...." Rocky says and they all follow me outside. Now it's time to find out if we can trust them or not.

Rocky's P.O.V

We follow Alexa outside wondering what she might want.

"I'm going to go straight to the point here, I know you guys are werewolves. I also know that you guys know that we are withches.Now I want to know, what do you want with us?" She said everything in a breath.

I was about to respond when Ellington cut me off. "We don't want to hurt you guys." It's not like we could anyways.

"Then what do you want?" She asks confused.

"We just saw you and Rydel carrying those groceries and we decided to help. Then we noticed you guys are witches. We just wanted to make friends that are like us." I explained twisting the story a little.

"We are nothing like you." A voice said from behind us.

Vanni's P.O.V

I continued helping my sisters cook the meal for those boys when suddenly Rydel rushes into the kitchen.

"Hey guys, what does Alexa want with the boys?" She asked. "What do you mean?" I ask her.

"She just called them all outside to talk." She said.

"What would she want?" Says Courtney. "I don't know but we are about to find out." I say walking out of the kitchen and into the living room.

I can see through the window that they are all outside talking.

"Sav cast a spell so we can hear what they are saying." I command my sister. She looks surprised at first but then she casts a spell and we can all hear what they are saying clearly.

"I'm going to go straight to the point here, I know you guys are werewolves. I also know that you guys know that we are withches.Now I want to know, what do you want with us?" Alexa said in a breath.

"What does she mean they know we are witches?"Asks Sav. "What does she mean by saying they are werewolves? "Asks Rydel looking mad and I don't blame her, I am mad myself. How could she know they are werewolves and still invite them into our house?

"Lets go out there and find out, shall we?" I said madly already opening the door.

Courtney's P.O.V

We get outside and hear Rocky saying something. "We just saw you and Rydel carrying those groceries and we decided to help. Then we noticed you guys are witches. We just wanted to make friends that are like us." Rocky says.

"We are nothing like you." Vanni says furiously.

"Vanni, I can-"Alexa starts to say but Vanni cuts her off. "How could you Alexa? They are werewolves, how could you not tell us. Don't you see that we can all be in danger?" She says with a look of disappointment in her eyes.

"No Vanni, it's not like that." Alexa tries to reason with her. "And you let them into our house. We are defenseless against a surprise attack from five werewolves. What were you thinking?"

"It's not her fault Vanni, she didn't know until a little while ago." Riker tries to reason with her.

"You be quiet! And never again call me Vanni or you won't like what happens!" She threatened him. Just as she finishes the sentence she collapses.
"Vanni!" We immediately all rush over to her to see what happened.

Ross's P.O.V

Just as she stopped yelling at Riker she falls unexpectedly.

"Vanni!" I hear Courtney shout. Without any hesitation they all rush to her side.

"Is she okay?" Ellington asks worried. "I'm not sure." Rocky answers.

"Vanni wake up please! We need you. Please just wake up." Sav says in the verge of tears.

"Please help us do something!" Rydel exclaims looking at us. "I got her it'll be fine." Ellington says picking her up and taking her inside.

Onece we are all inside, Ellington was putting Vanni on the sofa. "Move away Ell let me see what's wrong." Says Riker.

Ell moves away and Riker sits next to her and trying desperately to find a pulse. I felt him start to worry once he felt nothing. But just as he was about to give up, he felt it. A faint pulse indicating that she was in fact still alive.

"I think she's fine, she just needs some rest. I'll take her to her room." He said already halfway up the stairs.

"Riker wait!" Yelled Sav. "You don't know where her room is, I'll show you." She said.

I could see that Courtney was about to cry in the corner of the room.
"She's going to be okay Courtney." I said trying to cheer her up. She did something I didn't expect though, she turned around and went straight into my arms. I was a bit surprised but hugged back giving her all the affection she needed right now.

"I hope you are right Ross." She said snuggling more into me.


Rourtney yay! Poor Vanni had a panic attack and scared the girls to death. She'll be alright though.

Anyways hope you guys are having an amazing day/night and make sure to vote and tell me what you thought of this chapter! ILY!💖

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2016 ⏰

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