Chapter One ♡

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Chapter One


I slowly turned on my side, making myself even more comfortable in a new position. I laid in my bed with my eyes shut but my brain on alert. I quietly yawned and brought my hand up to my head slowly rubbing my temple. I lazily opened my eyes and saw the dim sunlight peering through my slightly opened curtains. I turned over to lay flat on my back as I looked at my ceiling. After ten minutes of laying there and adjusting to the early morning I got up slowly and sat up. I rubbed my eyes, and finally got out of bed. Trudging my feet to my bathroom. I walked over to my mirror and was stunned by what I looked like. My long golden blonde hair was now matted and thicker than before, and my mascara was smudged all over my face. Dreadful memories flooded back to the night before. So much screaming, crying, drinking- I barely remember it. A tear rolled down my cheek. This is the first time Will had ever screamed at me like that, that badly. My boyfriend and I had gotten into a very bad fight over my lack of "love" for him. I brought my hand up to wipe away the tears and black mascara under my eyes when I noticed three new scars. Shit I did it again. I collapsed on the floor and put my hands in my face. I swore to myself that I would never ever cut again. I guess I tried drinking my pain away and decided it wasn't going away. I lightly grazed my fingertips over the deep cuts. My blood stained wrists were covered in scars and I felt ashamed. I feel though I let my mother down. She would not be too proud to hear about and see these dreadful marks on my arms. I cant take the pain any longer before I break. Before I lose it so badly that I just end it.

I think of my beautiful mother. She is the only reason I stay strong. My mother, Annabella, passed away 4 years ago from breast cancer in both her breasts. The cancer later spread to many parts in her body and she died slowly. When the doctor told us she had only 4 months to live I couldn't control my anger, sadness and crying. That is when I fell into depression. And I guess getting a boyfriend of now a year and seven months felt right. But it doesn't anymore. Now I am afraid Will is going to hurt me. Not only verbally, but physically. Last night made me terrified for my life. He smashed glasses over my head, screamed in my face and called me very inappropriate names. So when he finally stopped and fell asleep, I got a cab and went to my dads house. I snuck in, ran up to my room and cried myself to sleep.

I don't want anyone to see me like this. So I grabbed a brush and tore through my hair. Ripping out tons of hair in the process. I grabbed my make up remover and wet my face. Taking a cloth and wiping it all off. I grabbed a clean hoodie and threw it over my small frame. Also pulling on my Roots sweat pants. Before walking downstairs I pull up my sleeve and dab a wet towel on my arm, flinching at the cool contact on my swollen wrist. I soon wipe up all the dried blood and pull my sleeve down. 'I need to be happy' I thought. I cant cut anymore, I have to stop this.

I walked into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat and saw my dad left a letter on the kitchen counter. 'Morning Arya, I will be at work tonight until 6, I have a surprise for you in the living room. You might like it. :)' I smile. My dad is sweet. I fold the note up and walk to the living room and the surprise on the table made me feel faint. I-I cant believe it. I can't believe my dad got me Justin Bieber tickets. My idol. I sat down on the sofa and smiled like an idiot. I couldn't contain my happiness and emotions, I started shaking. I immediately grabbed the phone and called my dad. It rings twice and then he picks up.

"Hello?" I burst into tears. "Dad thank you so much. I can't even describe how im feeling right now thank you." He just laughs. "No problem sweetheart. I know you love him so much" he said mocking me "and I know how much he means to you and has helped you." It was silent for a moment. "I love you, Arya." I smile and freak out inside. "I love you too, dad." I notice there is another ticket sitting there. "Who's the other ticket for?" I ask curiously. "Oh. It's for Char, she was in on it. She gave me money for her ticket and you two can go together." I screamed so loud the house shook. My best friend, Charlotte and I had been waiting to see him in concert together. "Woah there Ary." He laughed. "Sorry dad I just can't believe it." I thanked him again and then got ready to go to my best friends house to celebrate.

I went upstairs, picked out an outfit and then went to the bathroom. I walked to the shower and turned the water on to hot. I slowly slipped in and let the water run over my cool body, sending a wave of comfort. I stood there for a few minutes letting the hot water soak into my cuts. I just stood there trying not to flinch as it cleaned them out. I soon shampooed & conditioned my hair, washed my body and then got out. I pulled my wet hair into a towel and walked to my bedroom. I put on a white sweater, black jeans and my running shoes. I grabbed my iPhone and ran downstairs. I couldn't contain my laugher, happiness, smiling and excitement. I walked out into the cool air and closed the door behind me. I walked down the steps to my car, blasted some Marina and the Diamonds and some Justin and I was on my way.

I pulled into Chars driveway and jumped out practically running to her door like my life depended on it. I grabbed my spare key for her house and ran it. She looked over at me from the kitchen and saw my huge smile. She screamed and ran and hugged me. "Did you get it?!" I laughed and squealed. "Yes, yes! My dad told me today!" I waved our tickets in the air. She laughed. "I cannot wait. I thought it would be cute little surprise to go together." She nudged my arm and I smiled. All I could do was hug her. My best friend in the entire world was going with me to see Justin. The Justin. My idol. "So did you check when we're going?" She asked with a huge smile on her face. "No I was too busy screaming." She laughed and I looked down at the ticket that read 'November 3rd'. "THIS WEEKEND?!" I screamed throwing the tickets like they were on fire. She fell on the floor laughing. "Yes! This weekend." I smiled like an idiot. Going to see Justin just about took my mind off of Will. Until his face popped into my mind and I started thinking again.

"Hey Charlotte can I talk to you about something?" She smiled. "Of course beautiful, anything." We went and sat in her couch. I already felt the tears coming to my eyes. We sat silent for a few minutes, until I pulled up my sleeve; showing the three freshly formed cuts. She gasped and grabbed me into a tight hug. "What happened hun?" Tears rolled down my cheeks. "Will." I manage to choke out. I've told her before that he's been verbally abusive to me, and she absolutely despises him. Trying to be as sincere as possible her voice was soft. "He yelled at you?" I frowned. "More like screamed. He thought I didn't love him anymore so he go mad- and started throwing things and he called me a cunt twice and a worthless whore." I whispered to my fidgeting hands in my lap. "Pardon me?!" She said her voice raising a little. "No. Nobody ever talks to my amazing and beautiful best friend that way." And before I could speak she cut me off.

"Arya I am done. You cannot keep seeing him. Break up with him please babe." She rested a hand on my knee, and it made me think. I can break it off now. Char is with me, he won't hurt me here. "What if I call now and break it off." She thought for a moment. "Well, I'll be right here supporting you." She patted my arm and smiled a gentle smile. "I'll do it." I picked up the phone and slowly dialled his number. It rung twice and then I heard his voice. "Hello?"

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