Chapter Six ♡

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*3rd person POV*

I stood back stage watching Justin have the time of his life on stage. One Less Lonely Girl started up, and heat rose to my face. I looked around anxiously, curious to see the mystery OLLG. No one was in sight. I did have to admit that she was kind of jealous to that, probably beautiful girl going up there.

"Who wants to be my one less lonely girl?" He asked the audience smirking, and the crowd went crazy. Scooter came up beside me. As the music started up, and the crowd sung along. I had always wanted to be the one less lonely girl. I sighed to myself. I was knocked out of my thoughts when Scooter urgently tapped my shoulder. I turned to face him. "Sorry, what?" I asked and he grinned.

"Will you be the one less lonely girl?" My jaw dropped and I was speechless. Suddenly I was being dragged onto the stage to where Justin was. He turned to me and his smile grew. I covered my mouth with my hand and walked over to him.

"I'm gonna put ya first, I'll show you what you're worth..." He sang, intertwining our fingers and setting me on the stool. I got the flowery crown like I had always wanted and he started to serenade me. He looked straight into my eyes and winked, causing me to blush. He walked away singing to the audience.

I do admit I was a ittle upset when he left my side, but it's his job. He strolled back over and grazed his fingers over my neck and my waist. It took all my energy to not lean over and kiss him right there in front of everyone.

The song soon ended and I was escorted off stage by Justin. He waved his hand and smiled at me. I grinned as well. That was the most amazing thing... I can't describe to you how quickly that went and how amazing it felt. But all I was feeling was the large soda I drank at rehearsals.

I head down a few strairs to look for the bathroom. There was literally no one down here, ghosttown much.

I walked into the stall, finished up and washed my hands. As I was coming out a familiar face was passing me. "Justin?" I called out. The boy turned. "No, Jason." He looked at me closer, walking towards me. "Were you the girl in his car?" I backed up a little. "Uhm, yeah. Yeah I was."

He smiled and stuck out his hand. "I'm Jason, his twin brother." I shook his hand and looked in his eyes. He didn't seem that bad... I guess. "Arya." He nodded his head. "So why are you here? Not trying to come off rude or anything." He chuckled. "No it's fine. I'm here for- some work you know." I nodded. "Work with this production?" I asked digging for mroe details.

He studied me. "Yeah, sure." He smirked. "I know I just met you, but do you want to go somewhere tomorrow?" I looked at him shocked.

"Where would that be?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow and shifting my weight from left to right. He just laughed. "I'm not kidnapping you, I just want to go skating. You know." I nodded slowly. "Oohh, alright. Well sounds good. Uhm do you want my number?" He nodded pulling out his phone.We switched phones, and II typed my number into his phone, and he typed into mine.

I finished it up and handed it back to him. I took my phone as well. "So, skating tomorrow, and some lunch?" I approved, watching his hand reach across my face and put a chunk of hair behind my ear slowly. Red tint slowly crept across my face. "Thanks." I said looking down. He tilted my chin up. "Keep your head up, you're really pretty." I treid hard to stop from blushing but I did it again.

He chuckled walking away. "I'll text you tonight beautiful. See ya." He waved and turned a corner.

I smiled walking back upstairs. Fredo briskly strode over to me. "Justin was looking for you everywhere, shows over." I looked around Fredo, noticing the stage was dimly lit, and the crowd of people walking out of the arena. "Where is he?" Fredo pointed to the dressing rooms and I walked to his, opening the door.

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