Chapter Two ♡

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I hesitated for a minute. I looked over at Char who gave me a worried look. "Uhm hi." Was all I managed to choke out. I heard Will sigh before he spoke. "What do you want, Arya." He spoke in more of a statement than a question. My hand started to shake and I looked down. "We're over, Will." I heard him belt a laugh. "No we aren't. Silly, silly girl thinks she can run away." I choked on my breathe stunned by his words. "Will stop it. I don't want this anymore-" he cut me off. "I knew you didn't love me you, you stupid bitch. If you so step foot in our house or I see you around be scared. And I am fucking warning you." I couldn't hold back anymore, the tears spilled from my eyes and my body was quivering. Charlotte immediately wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. "Will stop please don't." I said my words coming out in a painful mumble. "You always fucking cry. Idiot go to the doctors." Just then he hung up. The rest of that night was a blur.


Today was the day I was going to the Believe Tour. I lay flat on my stomach and read through some tweets on my phone, talking about the tour. There were so may girls going the night I was, and thats when I really started to get excited. I suddenly heard a gentle knock on my door. I sat up and turned around to see my dad. He smiled at me and spoke.

"Excited for tonight?" He asked; and I smiled from ear to ear. "I can't even decribe it dad, I am ecstatic." I got up and ran to hug him. He squeezed me tight and  just laughed. His hugs were by far the best. "You don't even know how much he has helped me through everything, dad. He has helped with moms passing and-" I was about to talk about Will, but didn't want my dad questioning me. "-and just everything. He has made such an impact on my life. So thank you dad. No; thanks for everything." He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I know how much he means to you, and knew how much you wanted to see him. I couldn't thank him enough." We both laughed, then stood in silence for a few seconds.

"Well, I'll let you get ready- Oh! Hold on a second I have a surprise!" He said excitedy as he ran out of my room. Seconds later he came back in with a Justin t-shirt. I gasped. It was perfect. It was not like the merch they sold at the concert; it was so much better. "Awh thank you so much dad!" I hugged him tight and looked at the t-shirt. "Alright well, I'll let you get ready!" He strolled out of the room and I just stared at the t-shirt in aw.

After letting it sink in, I walked across the hall to the bathroom. My hair looked a mess. My golden blonde hair was completely tangled and I had bags under my eyes. I turned on the showers temperature to hot, and waited for it to heat up. As I waited, I tore through my hair with my brush, and stripped down. I slowly stepped into the steamy shower and let the hot beads of water roll down my body. Showers like this felt amazing when you were in a good or even bad mood. After standing there for a few moments, I grabbed the shampoo and lathered it into my long hair making sure to get from root to tip.

I soon conditioned, shaved my legs and washed my body. I hopped out of the shower raping a towel around my body, and throwing a towel over my head. I walked into my room, putting on a pair of blac jeans, some cute fuzzy socks, my Justin shirt, my moms locket, my earrings and my sneakers.

After putting my clothes on, I grabbed my makeup bag. I lightly dabbed on foundation, and a pressed powder. Followed by light pink blush, black liquid eye liner and mascara. For my hair, I just took it down , brushed it out and french braided it. Soon after I finished my makeup and hair, I heard a honk outside my house. I looked from my window and saw Charlotte. I grabbed my purse, wallet, and my jacket, and headed downstairs to say goodbye to my dad.

"Bye angel, have an awesome time." I smiled and hugged him, "Bye dad! Love you." I ran out the door and heard my dad shout that he loved me too.

Char stopped her car in front of my house and I bolted to the passengers seat. I fumbled with my seatbelt and looked around quickly. I let out a breathe of relief seeing no one around us. Though I was fine a second ago, I am still terrifed that Will might happen to just be around. "Arya, calm down. I'm here. That asshole can't do shit when im around." She patted my knee reassuringly. I smiled and then a rush of excitement came through me. I pulled my ticket from my wallet and screamed, waving them around. Charlotte laughed and cranked the music.

"How about some Bieber before the concert!?" She turned to looks at me, smirking. She winked and we laughed. "Hell yeah!" We turned up Beauty And A Beat and practically sped to the concert.

After driving an hour to the concert, we pulled into the arenas parking lot, got a spot to park and we headed toward the doors. It was snowing like crazy outside, so we basically ran to the front doors. As we got inside, we handed the woman our tickets and soon found our seats. We were quit close to the stage, and pretty much right in the center. I looked around to see all of the Beliebers, fans and just everyone that loved this beautiful human being. I could not wait for it to start.

The concert had started and Char and I were just having a blast. Singing, dancing and laughing, No better way to live today.

After 2 hours of having an amazing time, the concert was cming to an end. It was an incredible night and I was happy to share it with my best friend. He said his good byes, and ended the night with 'Believe". After the concert, Char and I decided to sit in the arena for a little longer, just to wait for everyone to leave and pile out, so it wasn't so busy.

Most people left and we just sat there, smiles plastered to our faces, until the guards came and told us we had to leave. We waited 30 minutes for everyone to leave and was it ever worth it. There was barely anybody here. We waked outside and the cool breeze hit us. "Just wait here, I'll go get the car." So I stood on the curb on the arena, around the back and waited for Char. Until I heard a familiar voice. "Arya" I gulped. Shit.

I turned my head slightly to see Will right behind me. I backed up slightly. "H-hi." I wrapped my arms around myself, and shivered looking around frantically for Char. Where the hell was she?! "I knew you would be here. I talked to your dad, seems like he's in a great mood. What about you?" He stepped closer. "Just stop Will. Leave me alone." I looked down. "What if I don't. You're such a bitch Arya. You played me. You never ever loved me, and everything I did for you." I looked up hesitantly. "I- I did love you, Will. But I don't anymore, why can't you just leave me alone." He grabbed my arm tightly, and with his other hand slapped me right across the face. I screamed out, and placed my cool hand across my throbing cheek. I tried to pull from his grip but he wouldn't let me.

He slapped me harder acroos the face again, then threw me hard against the cold ground. I smashed my head against the concrete and looked around dizzy for Char. I started screaming, as he bashed my head against the ground once more, until I heard someone shout. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Will was suddenly being pryed off of me, and heard the voice call for security. Everything was so blurry, I started crying and shaking, and felt myself being lifted gently, by strong arms. "Shh." I heard the man. Everything slowly started going black.


Chapter 2 is up! So this is my second chapter, I am really trying to make each chapter at least 2-3 pages long. I want it to actually be a longer fanfiction book type thing. So excited for summer! So this summer im going to be doing lots of things; like obviously the beach probably everyday, amusement park, camping, and writing! So I hope this summer is going to jam packed and just amazing. Anyways give me some feedback on this chapter and even chapter one if you'd like. Tweet me also guys! @kisses4rauhl but yeah! So read it, tweet me, vote ! chapter 3 will be up on Friday morning. Thank you guys !

~ erin

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