The Awakening

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Four days later...

Newt went towards the Homestead. He was about to visit Eliza. After his dream about themselves sitting on the lake alone, he was not able to receive more memories. Like it was blocked from his mind. Like someone doesn't want him to remember.

As he trudged his way towards the clinic, he crossed paths with Gally.

"Visiting her too?"

"Yeah... By the way, why ARE you visiting her?"

"None of your business."

"Whatever slinthead. I'm gonna know your reason soon enough"

Gally and Newt became more friendly towards each other. To Gally, Newt is not the bossy guy he thought Newt was. And to Newt, Gally is not the egotistical jerk he is known to be. They both just need to know more about each other.

When they arrived at the clinic, the head straight to Eliza's bed.

After a few minutes, Gally decided to leave.

"Newt, I need to go. Alby asked me earlier to make a bunch of tables for Frypan. See you later."

"See you later shank!"

Seconds after Gally left, Newt began to play with Eliza's hair and he held her hand.

"Please, wake up." Newt said taming her soft curls of hair.

"I want to know more about you. The times we spent together."

Suddenly her hand twitched.

"Eliza? Eliza can you hear me?"

Her eyes began o flutter open revealing her beautiful green orbs. When she was able to adjust her eyes, she muttered

"Where am I?"

"Welcome to the Glade, Eliza"

"Newt?!" Eliza said disbelieved of what she sees.

"It's me, Elizabeth!"

"That's not possi-!"

"I heard noises!" Jeff said just barging in.

"Yeah, I came here the minute I heard the noises!" Chuck said breathlessly.

"Who are you?!?" Eliza said as she began to panic. The trauma was still there.

"Look, we're not gonna hurt you." Jeff said calmly as he approached the frightened lady. Newt thought that it will be all right. Jeff is one of the most persuasive person in the Glade.

But, Eliza was in panic so when they seem calm down, she immediately kicked Jeff where the sun doesn't shine( Ow... Thats got to hurt real bad ) and jumped off the window.

"Oomph! Ow! Shuuuuuuck!" Jeff yelled out. Holding his family jewels like his life depended on it.

Chuck immediately helped Jeff sit down on the bed while Newt looked out of the window.

Eliza knew what she was doing swinging through vines like a pro. ( Guys we have a new Tarzan..... LOL ) She knew that she have been doing this for years. When she reached the other edge of the forest which is near the open field, she stood on the branch she was holding on earlier and jumped down.

Looking around the field, she saw the highest tower of the Glade( its the only tower made out of sticks an wood that he Glade has ). She immediately sprinted towards the tower.

"Hey!" Shouting was heard throughout the Glade.

"What the klunk is she doing!!!"



"Where the shuck is she going!!!!"

She ignored the shouts and yells made by the gladers and expertly made her way up the tower. ( Did you watch Clarisse La Rue in Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters, da time she used her arms to lift herself up.. Sort of like back flip but used her upper strength, yeah Eliza did that when she almost arrived to the top ).

When she arrived at the top, she immediately settled her self down.

"I'm going up!" Some random dude told the others.

A.N: Eliza remembers the names but she doesn't have any memories about many things. Tell you later.

Eliza saw a bunch of rocks on the floor so she threw in the face of the poor guy..


"Don't come any closer!" Eliza threatened.

"We just want to help" Alby said trying to dodge the rocks thrown down.

A random shank specifically a builder felt over confident, because he was like "I got this", tried to climb the tower with a piece of wood he held in place above his head. Unfortunately someone so idiotic left some throwing knives on the tower. Nice going you bloody shank!

"Woosh!" And there goes the knife.

"Thud!" It hit just above his eye. Close, but no cigar.

"Come any closer and I will surely hit you in the face!" Eliza exclaimed.

Alby sighed and said

"Lesson learned shanks... Never leave knives when girls are around... They can skewer our eyes out." Face palming before running his hand over his nonexistent hair.


Yo... I'm gonna refer to both book and movie.

Well, see you soon shanks..

<3 DaFanFicLover

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