The Celebration

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Newt arrived at the tower and he heard shouting.

"Just stay away from me!" This voice belongs to the only girl in the Glade.

Newt began to run faster but unfortunately with his limp, he cannot.


"Oi! Stop that!"



"Ow! That hurts!!!!"

Shouts and insults echoed out .

"I wonder what that is?" Newt thought. Then Chuck showed up.

"Girls are so awesome!" He said jumping up and down.


"Look!" Chuck pointed to the tower.

"Thanks Chuck. I need to go." Newt said as he jogged slowly towards the tower.

"What's wrong?" Newt asked Alby.

"That is what's wrong." Pointing upwards, Newt looked up.

And saw a rock about to drop at him. Good thing he still has his fast reflexes and dodged just in time.

"Will You STOP that!!!!" Winston said while holding up a piece of hard and long wood. He was just behind Newt.

"Are all girls like this! Cause if they are, I hope I will never meet one!!" Frypan exclaimed.

"Good that!!" Winston replied.

"Swoosh!" A knife passed by Newt in a blur and buried into Winston's wood, just above the forehead.

"Shut up!!!" She shouted out loud.

When Winston lowered his guard in shock and trauma, "Splat!" ,a strawberry, "Splat!", make that two strawberries, landed on his forehead. (How she found strawberries, don't ask me because I have no idea where they came from)

When Gally saw Winston, he and his buddies almost kneeled down, holding their stomachs while they laughed like retarded hyenas.
Winston stood with his jaw dropping towards the floor.

"Well, that's new..." Alby muttered while trying to keep a straight face. But the slight twitch of his lips betrayed his intention of being serious.

"Eliza! It's Newt!" Immediately, the throwing stopped.

"What do you want!"

"I just want to talk"

Newt was waiting for a reply, but when all he received was silence, he said,

"I'm going up, okay?"

When he was halfway a strawberry whizzed past him and landed on Zart who was also starting to go up.

"I'm warning you!!!!"

Now, the whole Glade was clutching their stomachs while rolling on the ground laughing.

When Newt arrived at the top, he saw Eliza looking out into the horizon.


He was not able to finish because Eliza pointed a knife at him.

"Tell me where I am, who are those weirdos down there and how the heck do I know you?!"

"You're in the Glade-"

"Glade? What kind of name is that?"

"I was not the one who chose that name,ok .... Basically nothing special and exciting happens in here, except for your arrival of course, but this is home. We live here, we sleep here, we grow our food. And those 'weirdos' down there," Newt pointed to the boys. "Are the gladers-"

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