The Sister

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"Because she's my sister!!" Gally exclaimed.

Newt's jaw dropped. His mouth opening and closing ( like a goldfish), not knowing what to say.

"Bu-but... How???"

"Remember the time I got stung? Elizabeth was the first person I remembered. She's the only family I have left." He said shedding some tears.

Newt patted Gally's shoulders.

"It's going to be fine. She's going to wake up.."

"I hope what you're saying is true cause I'm not gonna be able to live without her."

After Gally was stung, he became a little kinder and caring but still the same person you see in movies. ( He doesn't remember Alby, Newt, Thomas, Minho and himself being best friends add in Eliza to their group)

"No offense, Gally, but you both look nothing alike"

"Well Newt, I look more like my father but Eliza, she looks exactly like mother but she has both their qualities. Caring, Kind, Helpful and many more."

"You really love your sister don't you?"

"With all my heart" Gally stated looking at Newt's eyes. (Then they get closer, noses almost touching.... Joke!!!!! I'm not that kind of person!!!!! ;P)


"Newt! Have you seen my sister?" Gally asked.

"No, why?" Newt replied.

"She's missing!!"

"Don't worry! I will look for her!" Newt began to panic.

"Thanks Newt!"

Newt began looking for the 12 year old girl. Then he remembered something...

"The lake!"

It was their favorite spot. A place were they can tell their secrets. A place quiet an alone. Silence filling the air. Besides the brother-and-sister relationship Gally and Eliza has, Newt and Eliza are the closest between the friends. They know about each other more than anyone in the group.

When Newt saw her, she was sitting by the lake. Feet on the water.

"Hey, Eliza, what's wrong?" Newt sat his 14 year old self beside her.

"Do you have a problem?" Newt hugged her and let her head lean on his shoulders.

"I think my crush doesn't like me." Eliza said looking down.

Newt instantly received a strong emotion but he easily ignored it.

"Well, who is your crush?" Newt asked, his voice hardening.


"Who the bloody hell is Dylan?!" His voice getting loud and furious but he quickly composed himself.

"My classmate. We go to biology together"

"Why do you think he doesn't like you?"

"Well, he doesn't even look at me"

"That guy's a jerk."


"How could he not notice a very pretty girl like you?"

"Newt, do you really think I'm pretty?" Eliza said looking up.

"Yeah, and I don't think he's worth it."

"You really think so?" Looking at the eyes of Newt.

Smiling, Newt said "I know so."


Newt woke up with a smile. His memories with Eliza are very important. Suddenly, Alby came barging in.


Newt broke out off his trail of thoughts.

"Why are you smiling" Alby questioned.



Aldub forever!!!!!!! They are one of the best couples ever! As in! Yaya Dub's kilig is so genuine!!!!!!!!!!! O Me Gosh!!!!!!

Lol, sorry for freaking out here... I can't really shout out loud in school that I love Aldub.... People will think I am crazier than I probably am right now...This chapter is more flashback, okay.

Reminders: there is a very huge event that will happen tomorrow. Spoiler alert: Sleeping Beauty has woken up after one week of sleeping!!!!!

So see you tomorrow alligators!! P.S. Sorry for short chapter..

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