Break Up

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First Preference is the break up.... Go Me


Beck: I was walking down the hall trying to find my boyfriend Beck. And I found him alright. He was kissing Jade against the lockers. "Beck?" I whimpered out. Jade pulled back and smirked at me. Beck looked at me with eyes wide. "Y/N. It's not what it looks like" I shook my head. "It's okay Beck... I hope you are happy with Jade. That's all I wanted..... You to be happy. We're done" I said. I walked away with tears falling down my face.

Andre: I was with Beck in the Black Box theatre. We were practicing our play. We played a wife and husband which was awkward because we both had someone to love. Anyway we had to kiss in one of our scenes. I was walking away from him like the script said to do. "Margret." He exclaimed grabbing my wrist. I turned around in character. "Greg we can't go on like this. I'm leaving you for your own good." I said. "No" He said pulling me closer and resting his forehead on mine. "You can't leave me. You're all I have left" He said placing a hand on my cheek. We stared into each other's eyes and leaned in closer. Our lips collided but I felt no sparks or fireworks like I do with Andre. "Y/N?" I heard my boyfriend ask. Beck and I pulled away from the kiss. "Andre. It's not what it looks like" Beck vouched for me. "Really because it looks like my best friend is kissing my girlfriend" He said with ice in his voice. "Okay so it is what it looks like but not in that context" I pleaded. He shook his head. "We're done" He then ran away. "Andre wait." I ran after him. I had him in my sights until we hit the hallway but then I lost him. I slid down by my locker. Way to go me.

Robbie: Tori, Andre, Cat, Beck, Jade and I all marched into the Robbiarazzi studio. "Woah there" My boyfriend Robbie said. We all started to shout things at him. "Are you guys getting this?" He asked his camera crew. They nodded. "Robbie" I spoke making him turn to me. He smiled at me and I shook my head "I can't be your girlfriend if you keep doing this" I told him. His eyes widened. But shook his head. "Y/N. I'm popular. This is my one chance." I shook my head. "We're done. I hope being popular is worth it" I whispered. I turned and all my friends looked at me and I shook my head and ran away crying.

Tori: I read the text over and over. Break up with Tori or else. I searched for my girlfriend and walked over to her. "Tori" I said causing her to look at me. "Babe!" She shut her locker. "What's up?" I took a deep breath. "We need to break up." I said. Her smile dropped. "What?" "We need to break up. This isn't working. We are done" I told her walking away. "Wait! Y/N" She shouted. But I didn't turn. I kept walking never looking back. "I'm so sorry" I whispered.

Cat: *I can't think of any Cat ideas!* *Hi, this is Ray-Ray from the future. I have a separate chapter for the Cat Break up series*

Jade: I sat on the step talking to Tori when my girlfriend Jade walked by. "Why are you talking to that?" Jade asked. "Because she's my friend." I said to Jade. She glared at me. "You can't talk to that" She said. "Jade you're my girlfriend not my dictator. I can talk to Tori if I want" Jade rose her eyebrow. "If that is the way you feel. Then I guess we should break up" My eyes widened. "Okay. If that is what is going to make you happy. I guess we should" Her eyebrow came down and he eyes softened. "What?" My eyes watered and I picked up my bag. I walked to her and kissed her cheek. "If that is what is going to make you happy. Then okay" I then walked away wiping furiously at my eyes trying not to cry. "I hope she's happy now" I whispered as I walked into my history of theater class

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