You get signed to a big label

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Hello! I'm so sorry for not uploading last week! The holidays caught me off guard because I forgot it was December and I had a lot of things to do but it's all good now. I hope you enjoy!

Requested? Yep!

Can you do one where tori, beck, cat, Andre, robbie, and jade react to us getting signed by a big record label please? Dont hesitate to ignore if you dont want to do it!

Thank you so much to Static 1215 for the request!!!

So we're going to pretend that Star Records is the biggest label in America and there are so many famous singers signed to it. And this preference is basically how they react to you getting signed. Also I use the word "producers" in this but just know it means the boss of the company that is in charge of finding new talent.

Beck: "Beck! BeCK! BECK!" I screeched as I ran to him from the front doors. "y/n! y/N! Y/N!" Beck mocked. I roll my eyes at my dumb boyfriend, but ignored it. "Look at what came in!' I all but shouted, holding up the large envelope that I found in my mailbox this morning. "Okay now I can see why you're so excited. What are you waiting for? Open it!" Beck encouraged staring at the envelope. "I will!" I said turning over the envelope. As I was reaching for the seal, it really truly hit me. This little letter could change my life. If I don't make it, I don't know what I'll do. But if I do, oh my gosh.

"Babe?" Beck questioned after a few moments of my not opening my letter. "You okay?" I let out a sigh and shrugged my shoulders at the question, "Yeah, but no. I mean what if it's a rejection letter? What if I didn't make it?" I questioned, staring at my boyfriend. Beck walked forward and placed his hands around my forearms, bringing his forehead to mine, "But what if it isn't? What if you've made it? You won't know until you open up that letter. And if you don't make it, you'll work harder and become better and try out again, because that's who you are. Now, let's open that freaking letter!" Beck exclaimed, pressing a kiss to my forehead and taking a few steps in.

I nodded and took a deep breath, before placing my fingers on the seal of the envelope. My finger slipped underneath and slowly opened the letter. I quickly pulled out the paper, handing the envelope to Beck. I opened the letter and allowed my eyes to scan the lines.

"Dear Y/N Y/L/N, We would like to thank you for applying and auditioning for Star Records. It is people like you that allow us to do what we do." I began to read out loud, my voice building. "We regret to inform you," I began the next sentence, my voice deflating at the words written, "that you will no longer be having a normal life because we have decided to sign you to our label, if you so accept!" I exclaimed, looking up at my boyfriend. Beck stared at me wide eyed, "I did it." I said, "You did it" he echoed, "I did it" I squealed rushing toward his open arms.

Beck wrapped his arms around me, pressing me into his chest and pressing kisses into the top of my head. "Oh my gosh, I did it!" Beck laughed in slight disbelief, "I'm so proud of you! Come one, we're skipping school to celebrate" ''Beck!" I laughed as he pulled me out of the building and to his car. He opened the passenger door for me, but before I could get in he pulled me close to his chest once more, "I'm so proud of you baby."

Andre: I clutched Andre's hand in mine, my knee bouncing up and down as we waited to be called back in to a meeting with the producers. After graduation Hollywood Arts, Andre and I decided to take a huge step in our relationship, no not marriage. Auditioning for Star Records together. Our voices just fit so well together, we write songs about each other all the time, and we've been together for so long now we're not going to get sick of each other, so we figured "why not".

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