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Beck: "Hahaha." Beck laughed as he watched me flip through my book. "Shut up." I mumbled taking a sip front my mug of tea. "I didn't say anything." Beck said scooting closer to me. "You laughed at me." I said trying to focus on my work. Beck rested his head on my shoulder and I tried to shrug him off. "I sorry." He said in a pouty baby voice. I rolled my eyes and continued my work. Beck began poking me. I ignored him hoping that he would stop... He didn't. In fact he just got more annoying. He began chanting 'Babe' every time he poked me. Finally I got fed up, "What!?" I exclaimed turning to him. "Hi." He then began giggling. I rolled my eyes and closed my book. "Since I'm obviously not going to get any work done. Do you want to go watch a movie?" I asked. He grinned in success and nodded. I picked up all my stuff and began walking out. "Let's roll."

Andre: "Honey you need to rest before you crash." Andre tried once again to convince me to  get some sleep. "No, don't need to rest. Need more coffee so I can study for evil, evil finals" I mumbled standing up and going to the coffee pot. "Coffee, coffee, coffee." I mumbled out pouring myself another mug. I took a sip and sighed in content. I then sat back down and buried myself back into my work. "How long have you been awake?" Andre asked exasperated. "Eleven......teen" I mumbled out. "So long you can't remember numbers." Andre stated. I didn't respond. "That's it!" Andre exclaimed. Suddenly I found myself in the air over Andre's shoulder. I didn't even fight him. I knew he was right about me needing sleep. Andre set me down on the bed. He pulled the covers over my body and the crawled in next to me. "Thank you for making me rest." I mumbled curling into his chest. He began petting my hair causing me to get sleepier. "Of course. You're my girlfriend. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you run yourself into the ground." I didn't answer. I couldn't answer. I was way too tired to open my mouth. Soon my eyes were finally closed and I fell asleep, the worries of finals behind me.

Robbie: "Remind me again why I thought it would be a good idea to take all those weighted courses." I complained to my boyfriend as we set up our camp in the library. Robbie pressed a kiss to the side of head. "Because you're extremely smart." He said. I sighed and sat down and opened my first book. I stared at the book and then looked over to Robbie. "Will you quiz me?" I asked. He let out a playful sigh and took my book. "The things I do for you." Robbie sighed while smiling. I pecked his cheek. "You love me." I exclaimed. "You know I do." Robbie said as he looked down at the book. "I love you too." I stated and he gave me a sweet smile. After a few more minutes, Robbie cleared his throat. "Alright, let's get down to business to defeat your finals." I giggled, "Alright, quiz away."

Tori: "I DID IT!" I exclaimed as I approached my girlfriend "I DID IT! LO HICIMOS! I DID IT!" My girlfriend laughed and gave me a quick kiss "What did you do you weirdo" I laughed and twirled around. "I managed to get an A for my semester grade." I exclaimed once more. Tori giggled and pressed another kiss to my lips. "I'm so proud of you." she exclaimed. "Thank you! I'm so excited." I squealed. Tori laughed again. "Let me take you out for lunch." I gave her a playful glare, "Only if you let me buy dessert." Tori grinend. "Deal." She said. We intertwined our fingers and began our walk to her car.

Cat: "I told you that you shouldn't have missed all those days." I said as Cat complained to me about having to take finals. "I didn't actually think that they would make me take finals." She cried out falling into my shoulder. I began to pet her hair. "Sorry love." I said pressing a kiss to her hair. "I'll help you study so you don't fail." I offered. "Would you really?" She asked innocently. "Of course. I would do anything for you." I told her. She looked up at me with her big doe eyes. "Will you take finals with me?" She asked. I sighed looking into her eyes, "I did say anything didn't I?" I asked. She nodded and stuck out her bottom lip. "Fine." I let out. Cat smiled and clapped her hands. "Yay." I pressed a kiss to her temple. "The things I do for love."

Jade: "What is that?" Jade asked as I walked out of the school to meet her. I looked down at my arm at the henna tatoo my Chemistry teacher gave me. "It's a Henna tattoo. My chem teacher gave it to me after my final since I was the only one in there." I told her. It was simple but beautiful. *You can imagine anything you want as the tattoo* Jade smiled and nodded. "How long do you need to keep the ink on?" She asked. "As long as possible." Jade pressed a kiss to my cheek. "How do you think you did on your final?" She asked. "I'm not sure." I answered her. "I know I didn't do the math right because I had no idea what I was doing." We both laughed at that. "But other than that I think I did okay." She nodded. We got into her car and she rolled down the windows. "Want to go to McDonalds?" She asked. "Of course." I answered. She gave me a smile and began driving toward one of our favorite restaurants.

I'm sorry that was so sucky. I'm sorry that I haven't updated. I have been super busy. I hope you can forgive me.

Question of the Update: Did you have to take any finals? I had to take two. My Algebra II final and my Chemistry final, where my Chemistry teacher actually did give me a Henna tattoo. *See photo below*

 *See photo below*

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It was so great.
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Stay Beautiful <3

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