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So I recently went to my very first Prom and I had a blast. So based off my experience of my very first prom, I present you with the preference 'Prom'

Beck: I sighed as Lost Boy by Ruth B. began playing. I had come to Prom with a few of my junior friends who asked me because and I quote 'Prom wouldn't be the same without you.' That made me smile. But here I sat at our table alone. The three of them went to dance but I needed a break. I watched as the couples formed on the dance floor and began to slow dance. I was startled by a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head and I found one of my good friends. Beck Oliver. "Hey Beck." I said. He gave me a soft smile. "Hey Y/N." "What can I do for you?" I asked. He gave me a sheepish smile and held out his hand. "I was wondering if you would like to slow dance... You know seeing as we didn't get to at homecoming." The memories of homecoming caused me to smile. Back during homecoming Beck promised me a slow dance... Well before we could, there was a fast song, and he got really into it. All of the sudden he stopped and looked up. "I just ripped my pants." Fell out of his mouth. I looked down at his leg and indeed saw his flesh. I giggled and nodded. "I've got to go fix this." He turned and left. Because it was my first dance, I got bored. After waiting for forty-five minutes after not seeing him, I left. So I never did get my slow dance. I took his hand in mine and stood up. "I would love to slow dance with you Beck." I said. He grinned and led me to the dance floor. I placed my hands on his shoulders and he placed his on my waist. We slowly swayed back and forth. "As we soared above the town that never loved me." Ruth B. sang. I placed my head on Becks shoulder as Beck rose his hands up higher on my back. "This is nice." He whispered. I nodded my head. "Yeah it is." I glanced over his shoulder to see my girls staring at us in approval. When they saw me looking at them they gave me a thumbs up and grin. The song ended and I pulled back from Beck. We both had grins on our faces. "Thank you for being my first slow dance." i said. "Anything for you." He said. I leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek.. I then walked past him to my girls. They all began squealing when I sat down. "Yeah yeah." I said as I sat down. "You two were so cute!!" Kate exclaimed. Heat rushed to my cheeks. "Awe! You're so cute!" Lane said pinching my cheek. I slapped at her hand. "Leave me alone." I muttered. "Looks like you've got an admirer." Alyssa teased pointing to something. I turned over my shoulder and saw Beck staring at me. When we locked eyes both of our faces heated up and we turned back to our tables. The girls squealed again. "Shut up" I muttered bashfully glancing up at them. "My baby's all grown up!" They cheered together.

Andre: "Are you going to volunteer?" I asked my boyfriend as we walked into the back room where the hypnotist show was. "I was thinking about it." Andre said as we linked hands. "Do it!" I encouraged him. "I think I'm going to." He said as we took a seat on the bleachers they had set out for the occasion. We waited for a few minutes before music began playing and a man jogged out. He began explaining how this was going to work. Then he had all of the people who wanted to volunteer to stand up. So Andre stood up. The man began to explain what he wished for the volunteers to do. He wanted them to close their eyes and hold out their hands. He said to imagine in one hand, heavy books. Imagine the weight pulling them down, getting heavier and heavier. And on the other hand balloons were tied around their wrist, pulling their hands higher and higher. It was pretty entertaining to watch the hands move further and further. Then the hypnotist told them to open their eyes and he began to pick people. Andre was chosen, so he walked forward and sat in the seat directly in front of me. Once the show actually began I began to record it, knowing that Andre would want to see it. Let me tell you, it was the most entertaining thing I had ever seen. I laughed so hard, I had to hang onto my friend so I wouldn't fall over. At the end we all stood up and clapped, laughing. Andre walked back over to me, confusion on his face. "The show's over already?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Yeah, it went on for like 45 minutes. I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers together as we walked out of the room. "That was the funniest thing I've ever seen." I told him. He looked down at me. "Really now?" I nodded. "And I recorded because I knew you would want to see it." I told him. He gave me a grin, bent down and pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "Thank you my Beautiful Blossom." I gave him a grin. "Anything for you my love." I said grinning up at him. "I love you." He sighed. "I love you too."

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