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Now I know that not all periods are the same. So I'm going to base a lot of these off my own personal experiences.

Beck: "Are you sure you can't make it to school?" My mom asked standing by the door. I let out another groan as a response. My mom let out a sigh. "I see." She said. She opened the door and began to leave. "I'm sorry you inherited my crappy periods." "It's okay" I mumbled into the pillow I was clutching. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." I said rolling over carefully. My mom then left and shut the door behind her. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to my boyfriend. "Hey, I won't be at school today. I'm dying. Love you." It read. It didn't take to long before I got a response. "Dying? Love you too." I sighed. He should really understand what was going on. "Yes dying. Aunty Flow has come to town, and she brought a freaking army with her." "Oh." He responded. I rolled my eyes and set my phone down and curled into the pillow and closed my eyes, trying to sleep the pain away. A few minutes later I was pulled from my state by a knock on the door. "If you're a murderer or a robber I'm not home and it's locked. If you're anyone else, come on in." I yelled toward the door. The door opened and I was greeted with the familiar deep chuckle of my boyfriend. "I don't think that's a very good thing to shout princess," "What are you doing here?" I asked, "Well I wouldn't be a good boyfriend if I let my girlfriend die from a vicious army attack and didn't do anything to help." He said holding up a bag. I slowly sat up and reached for the bag. Inside were my favorite treats, favorite movies, cramp medicine and some soda. "I love you so much"

Andre: I walked down the hallway with a smile on my face. I was on my period, but I didn't feel like I was on my period, if you know what I mean. "Hey Boobear." I greeted as I passed him in the hallway on my way to class. "Hey Blossom." He replied looking at my back. Suddenly Andre was right behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist. "Andre. What do you think you're doing?" I asked. Andre didn't answer. He only pushed me into the girls bathroom. Luckily there were no other girls in the bathroom. "Andre!" I exclaimed turning around. "You bled through." He said quietly. I felt my face go red hot. "Oh." I stated quietly. "Here." Andre said shrugging off his hoodie. He secured his hoodie around my waist. "There we go!" He said. "I'll walk you to the locker room. Do you have a fresh pad?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Okay good, cause if you didn't I have a few in my locker." I rose my eyebrow at him and he shrugged his shoulders. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the bathroom, toward the locker room. I sighed lovingly at the sight of him. How did I get so lucky?

Robbie: I sighed as I turned my body into a new and totally different position trying to get comfy. With me being on my period it was extremely hard getting into a comfortable position. I groaned, throwing one leg in the air in hopes that, maybe that would help my aching body. It didn't. I brought my leg down and tossed one final time before finding a perfect position. "Hey princess" Robbie said as he walked into the room. I glanced over at him. "Hey Charming." I mumbled not moving. "What in strange sleeping positions?" He said. That caused me to giggle. "I'm on my period and I just now got comfortable." I explained slightly. I saw Robbie nod. I knew he wanted to cuddle and so did I, but I really didn't want to move. Robbie climbed on the bed next to me and cuddled me so I could stay in the same position and he could be comfy. "I love you so much." I said. "I love you so much too." He said. I sighed in content as Robbie began to massage my lower stomach. This boy...

Tori: "Alright I got your favorite Chinese food, your favorite ice cream and movie." I said as I walked into the living room of my girlfriend and I's shared apartment (Pretend). Tori wasn't there. But then the door opened. "Okay, I've got a pizza with our favorite toppings, drinks, and candy." I heard Tori say. I turned around and found Tori standing there with arms full of bags and in her hands a box of pizza. We both began laughing. It was then that we both remembered that Tori and I both were always on our monthly cycles at the same time, every month. Tori and I set our bags down and met in the middle for a hug. Our heads buried in the other's neck. "I love you." She said. "I love you too... How did we forget we are on the same cycles?" I asked. I felt Tori shrug. "No idea. But it means there's more food for us." That sent us both into a fit of giggles. Periods may not be enjoyable, but you just have to find that one person that makes it a bit more bearable.

Cat: "I'm here. I'm here." Cat rushed out as she closed my bedroom door behind her. "How you holding up?" She asked as she dumped the supplies she had gathered onto the bed. "I'm alive. Barely." I groaned out. "I know, I know baby. What can I do?" She asked. "Put in Beauty and the Beast and come cuddle with me." I said reaching out and making grabby hands. She put the movie in quickly and slowly crawled up to me knowing that a lot of movement would only make it worse. Cat offered a few pills, which I swallowed dry. She then grabbed my bottle of water and I took a swift drink before curling up into my girlfriend's arms. Cat began to rub my back causing me to feel sleepy. The last thing I remember before drifting off was Cat kissing my head and whispering, "Goodnight my love."

Jade: "I'm dying over here and you don't care!" My girlfriend screamed from her spot on my bed. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I turned around my with her favorite foods and drinks. "I'm sorry Tator Tot." I said handing her the tray of food and drinks. She accepted it and stopped her vicious glare. "Thank you." she said. I gave her a smile. I turned back around and put her favorite movie, The Scissoring, in. I climbed back into the bed. Jade curled up into my side, as I wrapped my arm around her. "I'm sorry I was being so bitchy earlier." She said as the opening credits of the movie began. "It's okay my love. I totally understand what is going through your body right now." I moved so my hand was resting on her lower stomach. I began massaging her lower stomach. Jade let out a moan in content."She moved my hand lower so that I was rubbing in a different spot. "Thank you so much. I love you more than anything." I gave her a sweet smile. "I love you too. I would do anything for you." I said knowing she would.... And she will, next week, when Aunt Flo comes to visit me.

Hello my darlings!

I hope you enjoyed that! I know that I enjoyed writing them! 

Question of the Update: What is your favorite color? Mine is blue. All types. I love them all. So what's yours, leave your answers in the comments below. 

The next preference will be: They meet your parents!

I hope to update every Tuesday. Until then!



Stay Beautiful

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