Bonus Chapter:Emotional Sister Meeting

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Jasmine POV
My sisters are over because a lot has been going on and they always want to see if I'm okay since I'm the youngest. They're names are Jesse and Jessica. Jessica is the oldest and she also has a daughter named violet who's 5 but her ex husband also cheated on her while she was pregnant.

She left him like right away because she's a very strong woman but she definitely gives tough love and is very blunt. My second sister is Jesse and shes very confident,party animal and wild.

I'm very close with both of my sisters we share a tight bond. If you categorize us Jessica would be the tough one,Jesse the wild one and me the humble one though I can get wild here and there.

Right now we're talking about my relationship with Hakeem and everything that's going on between us.

Jessica-so what exactly happened

jasmine-The guys who kidnapped him got a driver to drop him off where lucious cookie and I were but Hakeem apparently asked to be dropped of somewhere

Jesse-so he went to that slutbags house and fucked her?

Jasmine-yeah pretty much

Jessica-he's cheated on you how many times?


Jessica-exactly so why are you still with this asshole

Jasmine-we have Audrey who needs her father in her life

Jesse-yeah Audrey is a big part of your relationship but you also need to be happy too

Jasmine-I love Hakeem you guys know that I always will but it's hard since he keeps cheating *starts crying and grabs tissue*

Jessica-Listen jazzie you need to love yourself more than you love him at the end of the day

Jesse-We love Hakeem but if he doesn't treat you right then we have some serious issues

Jasmine-It's just hard because I don't want to leave him but I may not have a choice

Jesse-you're fucking beautiful and if he hasn't realized that now then he's a loser and you don't need him

Then my phone started buzzing and of course it was Hakeem. He's been blowing up my phone all day.

Jessica-at the end of the day you're our little sister and we love you to death and always have your back and it upsets us seeing that he's treating you like this

Jesse-I'm sorry to say this jazzie but if he doesn't stop cheating now he's never going to stop

Jasmine-Yeah I guess you guys are right

Jessica-did you at least hit him?

Jasmine-*laughs* of course I did

Then we all laughed and hugged. I love my sisters.

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