Finding out

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Noah's PoV

I look up quickly. There she is, the person who I can't stop thinking about. I study her face. Her eyes are puffy and her nose is red. She looks like she's been crying. Anger bubbles inside me as I wonder what caused my Richelle to be sad.
She slowly sits down in front of me crossing her legs and taking my big hands into her small ones. The anger disappears and is replaced with nervousness. She looks me in the eyes- her bright, dazzling eyes in which Ive stared into many times before clash with my dark, dull brown eyes. Slowly she opens her mouth........
"Noah...uhm...we need to talk"her voice is laced with nervousness.
"Do you remember the internationals party?"
How could I forget that night, it's been on mind ever since it happened. I nod my head in agreement. "Good" Richelle said, looking down at our joint hands before lifting her head to stare in my eyes again.
"Do you remember what happened at the internationals party? Especially what happened in the costume closet"
My blood runs hot and my cheeks colour themselves a rosy pink. I remember what happened, even though we may have been tipsy. I nod my head again.
"Noah.....I......I......" Her voice shakes and her fingers tremble so I stroke her hand with my thumb. She calms down a bit but I can see her eyes start to fill with water. That's the limit. Without even a second thought I grab her and pull her into my arms. The tears start to fall as her nails grip onto the back of my shirt for support. I slowly stroke from the top of her head to the bottom of her long, brown hair. I feel her relax against my chest then I hear her mumble against my shirt "Noah....Noah". I let go of her immediately regretting it. "I need to tell you now before my feet takes over my brain and I run out of here" I look at her before saying "Go on then"
She braces herself, relaxing her hands on her knees. She breathes in and out slowly closing her eyes before opening them and saying......
"We didn't use contraception" I look at her with confusion, her words had not fully sunk in. Knowing I had not got the hint she started again "Noah. I'm preg......I'm pregnant"

Richelle's PoV

I finally said it. I told him. I looked up at his face to find he had froze. His eyes were wide and his face had gone pale, he almost looked frozen. I must have sat watching him for a few minutes- he didn't move a muscle. Slowly after every minute my confidence seem to drop, I could feel my tears willing for me to release them. Finally I had enough. I got up onto my feet and started to walk towards the door, however I was stopped by a tight grip on my wrist. I was quickly turned around and pressed roughly against Noah's chest, his arms gripped around my waist. After what seemed like forever, he finally whispered something in my ear "What are we going to do?"

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