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Last chapter guys 😫😱😭. Honestly I have enjoyed writing this for the past three months and although my chapters are usually late, I am grateful for everyone who has stood by this book. Let's see what the future holds 😏 big kisses 😙

Noah's PoV
My precious girls! I stared down at Sophia and Richelle who were sleeping soundly. Richelle's bright blonde hair was sprayed across the soft white pillow case. Her face was still although her eyes moved unconsciously behind her eyelids. I wonder what she is thinking about? Her small manicured hand was gently clasped in mine. The contrast in size was enormous. Almost hilarious even! I turned my thoughts away from Richelle over to my precious girl number 2! She is so tiny! She has definitely inherited her mothers small stature. Her cheeks were puffy and soft to the touch, her small little mouth was resting in a perfect little pout. Another thing she had inherited from her mother was her curly dirty blonde hair. It stood up at the ends and formed perfect cork screw curls. Her sparkling green eyes were hidden behind small eyelids and eyelashes. All in all she was perfect! How did I get so lucky? I must have been staring at them for hours because soon the sun started to set and a soft orange glow lit the room. It reflected off Richelle's hair making it glitter. This is perfect! I never want this to end.
Whoops..... maybe I spoke to soon. Lazily Richelle opened her eyes. Her eyelashes fluttered as she blinked warily. She groaned before saying.
"Ugh how long was I sleeping?"
Wait how long was she sleeping? I was so preoccupied with my thoughts that I hadn't even noticed the passing of time.
I focused my attention to a small clock on the wall over in the corner. I just managed to see the time.
Richelle asked again. I focused my attention back to her before saying.
"I'd say just a little over two hours"
Suddenly she lifted her head up from the pillow and dragged herself of the bed detaching her fingers from mine. Ugh I was enjoying that. She looked at me with wide eyes before saying.
"Shit! Noah, why didn't you wake me? I was going to help your mother with dinner. You know as a thank you for allowing us to stay here!" She placed her small feet back into her pumps. (Huh I wonder when she took them off)
before walking quickly out of the bedroom. However no sooner than she had left,  she was back in again.
"Oh Noah! Could you bring Sophia  down, she's going to need a bottle soon."
She looked at me pleadingly with her adorable puppy eyes. Oh how could I resist.
"Yeah sure babe"
She quickly ran over and pressed a soft kiss to my cheek.
"Oh thank you Noah! You are the best! I think you deserve a treat later..."
She said the last part in my ear, her lips grazing over the outside. I shuddered. My eyes widened in shock. We haven't done anything apart from kissing since Sophia was born......even then it wasn' know. She then turned around and started her descent down the stairs. I watched her long hair rocked back and forth as she walked slowly out of the door.
       How could I be so lucky? My life is perfect. I never want this to end that's why I've decided.....I'm going to ask Richelle to marry me. It was a quick decision made only a few days ago but I'm certain it is the right thing to do. I love Richelle and she loves me. We are perfect for each other. Plus I don't want Sophia growing up to wonder why mummy's got a different last name.I only got the ring yesterday before the party but I simply can't wait any longer. I'm going to do it......tonight.

Richelle's PoV
"NANCY....NANCY! Where are you?"
I yelled down one of the many corridors. Suddenly I heard a small voice from behind me.
"I'm in here love!"
I walked steadily around the corner to be greeted by a delicious smell and the sight of Nancy standing at an island in the middle of the kitchen. Her long brown hair had been lazily tied up in a messy bun at the top of her head and in her hands she held a baking bowl and wooden spoon.
"Oh there you are love, I was getting worried. Did you enjoy your nap? Don't ask how I know, it's a mothers intuition. Plus the bags under your eyes was a huge hint!"
I stared at her with shock.
"Don't just stand there, come sit at the table, dinner will be out in a few minutes."
I quickly stepped out of my trance to ask
"Oh is there anything I can do to help. I don't mind really! I wish to pay back your kind offer and this is the only way I know how"
Nancy quickly dropped her baking bowl and spoon on the counter before walking forward to me and grabbing me in a tight hug.
"Oh shush love. You don't need to do anything. You and Sophia live here now there is no need to feel like a guest. Plus it's a grandmothers duty to help her daughter in law and grand daughter. Speaking of my grand child, where is she?"
She released me from the hug, placing her hands on my shoulders, her eyes wide with anticipation. Daughter in law? Ok....
"Oh umm Noah is bringing her down. He should be here by now actually....."
I was stopped short by Noah entering the room with Sophia bundled in his arms.
"Oh there he is!"
I said before walking over to him. Nancy followed suit, walking over to Noah and opening her arms out.
"Oh can I hold her, I haven't yet and it's only right for a grandmother to hold her first grandchild"
She said pleadingly. I nodded in agreement before tapping Noah on the arm. He got the hint and slowly lowered Sophia into his mothers arms.
Nancy gasped in shock and stared down at Sophia.
"Oh she is so precious! She looks exactly like you Richelle apart from the nose. That is definitely Noah's! Oh I think I'm going to cry!"
True to her word, small tears started to tumble down her cheek. Oh I just have to take a photo of this.
"Oh Nancy...would you.....would you mind if I took a photo?"
She looked up at me before nodding vigorously. I grabbed her phone of the counter and slid up from the home screen. I took multiple photos before placing the phone back down again. Nancy continued to stare at Sophia before jerking head up and saying.
"Oh kids, I almost forgot! Dinners in the oven!"
I decided to leave Sophia in the safe comfort of her grandmothers arms and walk over to the oven. I placed the two hot trays on the counter before closing the door. Oh wow that is a lot of food!
"Oh Noah, what do you want? I'll plate it up, you go sit at the table."
I turned round to look at him only to find him looking at me with adoration.
"Umm Noah"
He blinked before scratching the back of his head.
"Umm....actually, I have to go out. I'll be back soon so don't worry. I'll see you soon!"
He softly kissed my cheek, grabbed his coat and keys and walked out the door before I could say something. Ok...that was strange! What's up with him?
"Oh where's Noah going?"
Nancy asked playing with Sophia's fingers.
"Umm...I don't actually know"
"Huh that's strange"
"I know"
"Well let's not worry about him love, eat up! There's plenty there! I can make more if you want"
I stared down at the platter of food in front of me. I felt my eyes widen
"Oh no, no need to worry. I think this will do!"
Nancy turned to walk away into the living room.
"For the next few weeks that is"
I mumbled under my breath.

A few hours later
I'm starting to worry. Noah's been gone for hours. After dinner Nancy decided that we should go into the living room and talk. Well that was the plan......
As soon as Nancy's bum had touched the leather of the sofa she had fallen asleep. Sophia happily sat in her arms in a deep slumber too.
      I've been sat here on the sofa pretending to watch a programme but in fact I was in deep thought. Noah's been acting weird all day. I wonder what's up with him! I'm worried. Does he not want to be here? Have I made him upset? Does he still lo-"
I was broken by my thoughts by the sound of music. Wait? Is that? I'm pretty sure that's my favourite song. It's coming from the garden..... I looked over at Nancy to see her still sleeping. She wouldn't even notice I left.
I uncrossed my legs from underneath me and slowly walked towards the back door. Huh what's that?
      I opened the door and walked out into the garden. Oh god it's cold! I crossed my arms and rubbed them. The song got louder as I walked further down the path. What is that?
     I turned a corner and there in front of me was a beautiful archway. Fairy lights were wound around the metal highlighting gorgeous flowers. Deep purple and pinks shone in the dark sky.
"It's beautiful"
I said to myself.
"Just like you!"
I whipped around quickly and stared into darkness. A figure came out from the shadows. Noah!
"Oh Noah, where have you been? I was getting worried"
I ran up to him and gave him a hug. I burrowed my face into his chest and he ran his fingers through my hair.
"I've been doing this"
He said. I quickly pulled away from him to stare into his eyes.
"You did this?"
I turned back around to stare at the archway.
"It's beautiful"
"Well I hope so, it took me hours to do this"
He walked in front of me and took a clasp of my hands. He rubbed his thumb over the back of my hands.
"But why Noah?"
He looked down at our hands before looking back up into my eyes. I could feel his hands start to sweat.
"Ugh...there..there is something....something I need to ask you?"
His voice shook with every word. Then he did something that made me gasp. He slowly got down on one knee in front of me.
He looked down at the ground before looking back up.
"Richelle you are gorgeous! The most amazing girl in the world! A wonderful girlfriend and a brilliant mother. I am lucky to have you as a girlfriend but that is not what I want anymore. I love you Richelle. I love all your quirks. The way you chew at your lip when your nervous or when you fiddle with your hair when your anxious. You are brilliant and the most important person to me in the world apart from Sophia. I've known you since I was born and know I want to know you until I die lying in a bed beside you as I stroke your hair. I never want to loose you. Will you marry me?"
Omg! Is this really happening. I'm only seventeen years old for gods sake. But does that really matter? I stare down Noah in front of me. His eyes are wide and anxious. Oh Noah!
    I slowly nodded my head and watched his face slowly. He looked at me with wide eyes and slowly came up from one knee.
"Is that a yes"
He asked. I gave him a small smile before leaning up and kissing him on the lips. I pulled back and said
"Does that answer your question?"
Before I know it, I am being lifted up into the air and swung around as Noah hugs me. After a few moments he sets me back down before capturing my lips in a kiss. I can't believe it! I'm in engaged! I'm getting married! And to Noah! I wrapped my arms around his neck and continued to deepen the kiss. Can life get any better? I wonder what the future will hold.....

Oh my gosh guys! It's finished! A Nochelle pregnancy is finally finished. I hope you enjoyed this super long chapter, I think it's the longest one to date. Anyway Noah and Richelle are engaged. Whoop whoop! Be sure to look out soon for the sequel.
Signing off for the last time,

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