The Message

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Riley's POV
It was deadly quiet. No one dared to speak. The tablet was silently sitting on a old table at the other end of the studio. For the past hour, nonstop, everyone had gotten up from their seats on the floor and looked at the tablet to see if we had a reply. Nothing. Not even a peep. After everyone had been up at least twice, we all decided to stop and just relax in each other's company. I was sitting next to James. He had his arm around my waist and I had my head rested against his shoulder. Next to me was Giselle, Cierra and Skylar. While next to James was the rest of the boys and girls. There was a sudden BEEP! We all looked at each other nervously.....
The tablet lit up. Our eyes widened in shock and in a flash we all gathered around the tablet. Nobody moved. I looked at everyone to see them looking at each other with a look of anticipation. I cleared my throat.
"Sooo.......who wants to do it?" I said softly.
They all looked at me. There was a quiet response. I looked at Skylar, before touching her on the shoulder to get her attention.
"You should do it. You wrote the message. Only you should have the right to read out the reply"
Skylar looked up at me. She opened her mouth to say something before closing it, looking down and unlocking the tablet. She nervously picked up the tablet with shaking hands, tapping until she pulled up the message. She licked her lips and coughed, before turning round and facing us.

Dear Skylar,

In reply to your message. I filmed this boy a few weeks ago outside a diner in a town only an hour away from Toronto. I recently saw a Facebook post commenting on the disappearance of  your friend Noah and Richelle. Attached was a photo which looked very much like the boy in my video. When I saw you had a Facebook page, I thought you would appreciate the video. I also had the opportunity to talk to the young man, I told him how good he was and if he would perform again. He told me not today because he had to get back to work. He pointed to the diner behind him. I think it was called 'Happy Thursday's' but I can't be sure. I hope you find your friend...

There was silence. Skylar stared down at the tablet. Cierra came up to her, taking the tablet from her hands and placing and arm around her shoulders. We were in shock. They are an hour away. AN HOUR. How could the police not find them. They were so close.....I looked at Miss Kate who had her head down staring at the floor and was chewing on her fingernail deep in thought. Suddenly a sharp voice broke through the tension. Giselle.
She slapped her fist into her hand.
Miss Kate was now standing with her hands on her hips, her forehead was crinkled and her face was slightly pink. She looked determined.
"She's right! We need to go now!"
Phoebe who was stood over at the side suddenly said
"Kate! Think about this! Who will look after the studio while you are away in another city."
"Phoebe, I need you to look after this place. Only for a few days. Please"
Phoebe looked down before looking back up and walking over to Kate. She placed her hands on her shoulders.
"Alright. But you promise me this.....bring them home"
Kate looked at her sister warmly before giving her a hug and whispering.
"Thank you" in her ear.
Releasing the hug, Kate turned to us and said
"Grab your dance bag quickly, we are leaving soon"
Nobody moved.
"Come on! Come on!"
Is this happening? Are we really going to find them. Are we really going to bring them home? After we had all grabbed our stuff, we made a dash to 'The Next Step' bus, which we payed for with our internationals money and started are journey to finding Noah and Richelle. I rested my head on James shoulder before closing my eyes. I thought of the joyous moment of finally seeing them again. I smiled at the thought before drifting of into a happy sleep.

Sorry this chapter is late. Ive had a busy week at school

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