Finding them

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Thaila's POV
We arrived at 'Happy Wednesday's' half an hour early before we were supposed too. The place was in the centre of a busy town, close to the place we saw Noah dance in the video. I looked around the town. It was pretty empty. Most of the shops were closing up for the night, the only shop which was lit up and slightly busy was the cafe. Suddenly there was a quiet voice from the back of the group.
"Should we go in?" Asked Cierra. Her and Skylar were holding hands.
We all turned around from staring at our surrounding to face her. Miss Kate placed her hands on her hips before saying.
"I suppose it wouldn't harm us to wait in side" she said nervously.
And with that she turned on her heel before slowly placing one foot in front of the other, walking towards the door. I grabbed West's hand and gripped tightly. Soon all of us were walking behind her. She grabbed the handle of the door before waiting and turning back around to face us. She looked at us for reassurance before turning back around and pulling on the handle. The door flew open and sight that greeted us was heavenly. A soft warm glow drifted across the cafe, it came from the lamps on the tables. Along both sides of the cafe, there were old wooden tables able to seat about four. We walked inside more to get out of the winter cold and close the door. Suddenly there was a loud voice.
"Hi there everyone! Welcome to Happy Wednesday's! How many of you is there?"
We all looked around to see a petite redhead in a diner costume with a big grin on her face. In her hand she held a notebook and a sharpened pencil. Miss Kate rose her eyebrows before asking
"Excuse me" she said confused.
The young girls long hair whipped her in the face as she turned her head up and down.
"How many of you is there? So I know how many tables you need! Sorry I'm only new, started working here only today!"
She said quickly before flashing her pearly whites at us.
"Umm about thirteen?"
Miss Kate said slowly. The redhead wrote this down on her notepad before placing it back into a pocket in the front of her uniform, looking up and indicating we should follow her.
"Well I'm Maddie and I'll be your waitress for this evening. You've actually came at a good time! The place has been packed all day, it only really died down about an hour ago. In fact apart from you there is only two other people. A young couple over beside the window"
Wait what did she say! Before I had time to ask her to repeat what she had said she came to a stop at the far end of the cafe at about three old wooden tables.
"They do seem nice the couple, I had a good chat with them just before you came in, they were hella nervous though, told me they were meeting people they had not see in a while, anyway......." She pulled out the chairs on the inside before joining the three tables together.
"Well take a seat and I will go get the menus!" She said quickly.
"Wait!" I yelled. I looked round at the other dancers and Miss Kate. I knew they were thinking about the same thing as me, they wanted to ask about the couple.
"Can you....umm.....explain what that couple looked like for us" I say nervously.
She arched her eyebrow before pulling a lock of her long red hair in front of her and playing with it.
"Well if you really want to know.....The guy had short brown hair, brown eyes and a slight build. Whereas the girl......well she had straight blonde hair, green eyes and was very small"
She twirled her hair around her finger.
My eyes widened in shock. Noah? Richelle? I looked around to see everyone wearing matching expressions of shock and joy. I squeezed on Wests hand before saying
"We're the people they are waiting on! You have to take us to them!"
Maddie dropped the strand of hair she was playing with before letting out a joyous smile.
"Of course I'll take you to them!" She squealed
"Follow me!"
I linked my other free hand with Stephanie before nervously walking behind the more than excited Maddie. With every step she would take a little jump.
"We are nearly there, the are just around the corner" she squealed.
This is it! We are going to meet them. I can't believe it!

Enjoy 😊

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