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Emily's POV
I can't believe it! How could he? I stare at Hunter as he stares sadly at the ground beside his feet. How can he just sit there? Does he not understand what he has done! He's the reason they left! The  reason they had a baby for goodness sake! I can feel the anger bubbling in my chest and my hands grip tightly to the bottom of my shirt. I'm pretty sure if they weren't there I would be slapping him into another universe.
      I drag my eyes away from Hunter to look at Riley.....but she is staring at me and Hunter with a look of sadness painted on her face. I turned my head to look at the rest of the dancers to see them looking at us with mixed expressions of anger and sadness. There was silence. No one dared to speak.  James was still radiating anger and so were most of the boys. All was quiet until there was a small voice.......Skylar.
"Umm......what do we....uh.....do now?"
She is standing in the corner, surrounded by the rest of the girls. Her eyes are brimming with tears and she is shaking. Soon the tears cannot be held in anymore and they tumble down her face, dropping onto the floor. Cierra grabs her into a hug and she burrows her head deep into her neck. She is so upset! We all are! We only got them back and now they are gone! I look down at my hands, sniffling as my nose starts to run and my eyes start to water.
How are we going to find them? They could be anywhere. Wait! I know how!
I quickly look up at Skylar.
"Skylar! Why don't you text that number Richelle used?"
She looks up at me, releasing herself from Cierra's iron grip and pulling out her phone. She quickly types a message to Richelle before turning to us and saying.
"I told her we were worried and that we should meet up again-tonight preferably before we need to leave"
There is suddenly a PING.
"That'll be her now!"
Skylar quickly unlocks her phone and brings up the message. She lets out a shaky breath before saying.
"Umm it's from Noah, he says that he will come back to talk to us but Richelle is too upset to come"
This is Hunter's fault! He did this! Soon I cannot hold in my anger and so I bring my hand up and slap him in the face with a loud SMACK. The sound radiates around the cafe, causing ripples. Shortly after Maddie comes skidding around the corner. She stops abruptly when she sees Hunter lying on the floor clutching at his face. Her long ginger hair falling loosely around her face and in her hands was a dish cloth. She stared for a few moments before gulping and saying
"Umm......excuse me but the cafes now closed, I'm going to have to ask you to leave"
Poor girl. She must be terrified. Its her first night working here and there already has been shouting, slapping and punching all night.
I nod my head towards her in a sign that I agree and I'm going to leave, before standing up, grabbing my bag and walking out the door. Soon everyone else follows. The crisp cool air drags hits of my cheeks making them pink and drags my hair upwards towards the sky. Miss Kate slowly walks forwards till she is at the front and so that everyone is crowded around her. She gulps and clasps her fingers together before saying.
"I think we should forgive Hunter"
I stare at her in shock. Did those words really just come out of her mouth. I was about to speak up and say something when there was a BANG.

I'm not sure about this chapter guys, I don't feel good about it, anyway I hope you enjoy it. ❤️

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