What are you doing here?

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Riley's PoV
The voices echo around the studio. Everyone has stopped talking now, we are all staring at the two middle aged women standing in the middle of the studio. I'm pretty sure I've seen there faces before.........oh shit! This is not good! Crap! Crap! That's Richelle and Noah's mums!
      I quickly turn to stare at Richelle only to find her and Sophia covered by the other girls and out of view. I turned to look at the boys only to see them doing the same. Oh phew!
"We know they are here! Come out!"
Says a woman with bright blonde hair. She is quite short and has a bright red skirt on and a white shirt. I'm guessing she's Richelle's mum.....
"I want to see my daughter! I want to see her now!" She says distressed.
The woman on her left put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her close.
"It's okay....shush....you can see her in a minute."
"PLEASE, please! Where ever you two our hiding! Please, we miss you! We're not upset with you, all we want is to know you our safe" she pleads.
The studio is silent. So quiet you could hear a mouse squeak. However it is soon disturbed by a wail and crying of a baby. Sophia! Oh no! This is not good.....
The two women look up with a look of confusion painted on there faces. I look over to Richelle to find her trying to calm Sophia. No one dared to move.
"Is....is that a baby?"
The woman with blonde hair asked. No one answered her. We were frightened. We knew what was going to happen next. It was not going to be good.
"I'm going to ask again.....Is that a baby?" She says more determined.
Again she is greeted only with the wails of Sophia. She crosses her arms tightly before sighing and starting to walk towards the sound of the wailing. Oh no! This is not good! So not good!
She is soon standing in front of the girls, glaring at them with a gaze so terrifying it could match one from Miss Kate.
She said angrily
She folded her arms tightly and waited. Surely enough the girls started to move away from Richelle allowing her to be seen.
The woman gasped. She uncrossed her arms, letting them drop lazily by her side. Her mouth formed a perfect 'o' shape and her eyes glared down at Richelle who was staring down at the Sophia.
"Anne, what is it?"
Oh so that's her name! The other woman started walking forward until she was side by side with Anne and staring at Richelle who was trying desperately to calm Sophia. Like her friend she allowed her mouth to form that perfect 'o', only she hid it by playing two hands over her mouth.
"OMG! No! No! This cannot be happening! Richelle, please tell me the baby isn't yours!"
Anne said quickly. Richelle continued to stare down at Sophia, who had calmed down a lot and was now sleeping soundly. After a few minutes of silence from Richelle, Anne knew the answer to her question. She put her hand over her mouth and turned around allowing a small sob to escape her lips. She then turned around and said.
"You stupid...stupid girl! How could you?!"
She said with disbelief. Richelle moved her gaze from Sophia to her mum. Her eyes held tears which were willing to be released. Richelle opened her mouth to say something but only closed it again. I watched as Anne jumped back at seeing her daughter's face as she hadn't seen it for over a year. She soon crossed her arms before turning her attention to her friend.
"How could you let your son get my daughter pregnant?! This is his fault, he's the one to blame. And where is he anyway, too scared to come out and face his mistakes. I'm glad my husband told me the truth about your family. He was right.....the Erlick's are nothing but trouble!!"
The woman gasped at the harsh words coming out of Anne's mouth. How could she say that? Does she not know how babies are made?
"MUM! How could you say that? I thought you two were friends now?"
Said Richelle. She stood up and placed Sophia in Skylar's arms before walking towards the two women.
"I can't believe you. You come all the way here to see me and then you criticise me and my friends and then even your grandchild. YES MUM your GRANDCHILD but you seem to have forgotten that! You didn't even give me a hug after seeing me. I was gone for more than a year and all you care about is hurting my feelings and Noah's mum. I can't believe you! Noah was right. He told me when I first found out that I was pregnant that you never cared about me. You never even asked her name......If you did then you might have noticed that she is called SOPHIA ANNE. I named her after you and you couldn't probably give a crap."
Oh wow! That was honest. From the corner of my eyes I saw Noah walk out from behind the boys and over to Richelle. His mum had his back to him and didn't see him. He walked over to Richelle and tried to grab her into a hug.
"No Noah! I'm not finished" she said jumping out of his arms. At the mention of his name. Noah's mum turned around to face him. She let her mouth drop open and stare at him for a while before grabbing him into a hug. Noah was taller than her and therefore  placed his chin on the top of her head. While they were hugging Richelle carried on.
"How could you blame Noah and Nancy? You went to school. You did science. You know how babies are made. Two people are involved in the creation of a child, that means I had an equal part in the creation of Sophia. So how dare you try to put all the blame on them. Why did you even come? I have nothing else to say to you. It is obvious you do not care about me so why don't you just leave. Or do you know what......WHY DONT I?!"
And with that she stormed out of the studio. Oh wow! That was.....that was umm dramatic?

Enjoy guys😘 my exams are all over now so I should hopefully be updating more but you never know what might happen in the future.
Richelle's mum - Anne
Noah's mum -Nancy

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