Chapter 27

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I turned around and started running towards a river in the distance. I heard a bunch of footsteps behind me, I looked to see a bunch of people chasing me. I smirked in approval of this chase, but I was stopped by tripping myself on a branch. I cursed under my breath and tried to get up, only to feel something sharp stab my leg. I cried out in pain as I looked behind me again to see a figure with yellow strings coming out of his fingers. His eyes were glowing yellow and he had a grey hoodie on. As I looked up to his eyes his expression changed and his eyes stopped glowing. They were still yellow, just not taking up his whole eye. I held on to the back of my leg as it bled heavily. "O-oh jeez... I'm- I'm sorry! I was just.. following the orders! I-I didn't know that it was YOU... I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed. I gave him a puzzled look. He returned it with a shrug. The sound of footsteps got closer. "We better get going." He offered me a hand and helped me up. We tried to run but my leg gave out. He picked me up bridal-style and started running with me in his arms. I could feel my face go beet red so I covered it by instinct. I felt him stop running as a male voice shouted at us. "ROSALYNN!" I felt myself drop as Jack punched the man in the face."Are you okay? What was he doing?!" "Ow." The man got onto his knees and rubbed his cheek. "Puppet?! What the hell were you doing with Rosalynn?! You better have a good reason to have picked her up, or else I'm going to-" "I whipped her in the back of her leg with one of my strings. I apologized and then I carried her away from those... things." Jack stared at him. "You whipped her. WHY WOULD YOU WHIP HER, PUPPET THAT'S NOT RIGHT IT'S NOT-" "CALM DOWN JACK! We need to be quiet or else they'll hear us and attack her!" Puppet said while gesturing towards me. "...Oh. Sorry." There was a long silence. "Well, we'd better hustle." Puppet started walking towards me but Jack lifted me up and we started running. I could hear Puppet let out an annoyed sigh as we sped through the trees. "Here we are. Back home." I saw the mansion in front of us. "Puppet, you can go now. Your work here is done." Jack said while pointing at the woods. "No." Jack turned around and glared at Puppet. "I'm not leaving. Not yet, at least." "Fine. Suit yourself. It's not my fault if you get paralyzed, though." They glared at each other. "Let's... Go inside now..." I suggested. We walked inside and saw Slenderman, Bloody and Zero all socializing. "Hey Rosalynn! Why are you in Jack's arms?" Zero said. She looked over at Puppet. "Oh... That's why." Puppet rubbed the back of his head. Bloody turned to face him and I saw him clench his fists as if he was angry. "Puppeteer, a word." He muttered. Puppet walked over to him. "Yeah? What is-" Bloody punched him straight across the face. Puppet fell onto the ground, shaking. "Awh, God damnit! That HURT, Bloody!" He shouted. All eyes were on him and Bloody. Bloody raised his other fist and punched him again. "GOD FFF- THAT'S THE THIRD TIME TODAY WHY ARE YOU EVEN PUNCHING ME IN TH-" Another punch. "AAAAGH!" Puppet got up and started punching Bloody. "FIST FIIIGHT!" Sally called out. Then she skipped up to Jack and punched him in the gut.

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