Chapter 31

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I said goodnight to Puppet as I headed upstairs in order to get changed. As I was opening the door to my room, I heard a low growl. "Jack, you can stop messing around. I just want to get into my PJ's and go to bed." I walked into the room, preparing to tackle him and drag him out, but instead of seeing Jack... I saw Zalgo. "Taking an interest in Puppet, I see. You shouldn't be wasting your time on things like that. It will increase your chances of getting killed." He chuckled while turning to face me. His gaze hurt my head. "Soon. Soon I will take control and all will bow to me. ALL WILL SERVE ME. I already have Jeff under my control. I'm surprised you didn't notice. Shoving a whole body into a single soap dispenser? Impossible without my power." I stared at him. "You're next." And with that, he vanished. The lights in my room went out. I heard people screaming, calling out for help. Everything was spinning. "No..." I fell onto the floor in defeat. "I can't... no..." I saw someone rise up out of the ground. "Help..." I whimpered. He laughed. I saw that it was Jeff, with his carved in smile now gushing out blood. "Don't listen..." I saw Zalgo put a hand on his shoulder. "It's too late." They said in sync. "It's happening. With or without you." I shook my head and saw that I was standing in the woods. The same woods that Jack had been in. "What?" I saw Zero running. She saw me and gasped. "ROSE?! Oh my chihuahua thank the dark ones! We've been looking for you for... for... years, Rose. You've been missing ever since Zalgo took control! Jack has been so worried, and, and, and he hasn't gotten any sleep!" "Years? How many?" "... Four." We stared at each other as my eyes filled up with tears. "I was just in my bedroom though... Jeff was there with Zalgo, and..." "We have to take you back. Back to the mansion. I have to tell Jack... He'll be so happy!" I blinked, and I was back in the bedroom. I looked around and saw a mirror. "Just in case I'm not me..." I walked over and looked into it. I was wearing a wedding dress. "...What? But I'm not even dating anyone..." A knock came from the door. "Rosalynn? Is your dress on?" "Uh... yes?" Jack walked through the door, tears in his eyes. "Jack?! Thank God you're okay!" I rushed over to him and was just about to hug him but he pushed me away. "We're not allowed physical contact, remember?" "But... you just..." "Nevermind. Let's go, your groom is waiting." "Groom? But..." "I said, LET'S GO." A single tear rushed down his face. I walked over to him and followed him out of the door. Another blink. I'm at a wedding ceremony, next to... Jeff? I can't see clearly, my vision is blurry. Another blink. We're kissing. Another. In a hospital, with a broken leg. Another. Outside. AnOtHeR. In A gRaVeYaRd. JaCk'S nAmE iS oN tHe ToMbStOnE. ANOTHER. INSIDE OF MY OLD HOUSE. ANOTHER. ANOTHER. ANOTHER. ANOTHER. ANOTHERANOTHERANOTHERANOTHERANOTHERANOTHERANOTHERANOTHERANOTHERANOTHERANOTHERANOTHERANOTHER-Back in my room. My room in the mansion. I'm on the floor, paralyzed. I try to move my legs, but I am unable to. A figure crawls out of my closet, licking its lips.

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