Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning and went downstairs for breakfast. I looked like a wreck. I had dark circles around my eyes, my hair was a bird's nest, and I had barely gotten any sleep. I kept waking up every few minutes making sure I was completely alone and that my window was locked. The tossing and turning didn't help either. I sat down for breakfast, nearly falling into my bowl of oatmeal several times from sleepiness. When I finally finished, I climed up stairs to the bath room. I took a long cold shower to wake me up. When I was done, I grabbed my towle from the bath rod and wrapped it around my self. I stepped out of the shower. Looking down at my feet, I saw another pair of legs in black hightops. Since when does my mom wear high tops? I thought.

"Mom, what are you..," I froze.

The figure before me wasn't my mom. It was the thing I saw last night!! I let out a scream before falling into the tub with a loud thump.

"MOM.MOM!!!" I yelled repeatedly. I looked up and it was gone. My mom burst through the doors and looked at me as i sat in the tub holding my knees to my chest. She rushed over and helped me up and we sat on the rim of the bathtub.

"Honey, are you okay? I heard you scream," she said crooning me while holding me tightly.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay," I lied. I was far from okay.

"Are you sure honey, you look pale."

"I'm fine. Did you by any chance see, someone while you came up stairs ?"

"Hmmm, OH! I did see someone turn the corner, but I didn't catch their face. I was probably your brother."

I felt all the blood drain from my body and sink to my feet."Oh, okay," I said trying to force a smile. That didn't sound like Tristan, he's never up early. I exited the bathroom and ran down the hall to Tristan's room. I slowly opened the door and squeezed my head through. My heart sank to my stomach. He was fast asleep in his bed. I slowly crept over to his side. I wanted to make sure it was really him. I poked the side of his head until he responded.

"Mmmmm, " he groaned. "5 more minutes mooom," I sighed in relief and walked out of his room. It had to be him. Not my brother, but that THING. How does he keep getting into my house unnoticed anyway? I walked back to my room as quickly and quietly as I could. I got dressed then flopped over to my bed and turned on my laptop. As it loaded, an eerie feeling fell over me and I looked up over to my closet. That was where I hid the scalpel. I went to Google Images and typed in 'boy with blue eyeless mask'. I scrolled through the pictures until I found an eerie picture that resembled the person I saw last night and this morning. It was titled eyeless jack. Weird I thought. However,being the curious person I am, I googled the name. All these sources ans links popped up in a matter of seconds. I clicked a link called Creepy Pasta. A link about paranormal creatures. My heart sank after reading a true personal experience by a guy named Mitch. He freakin EATS peoples' ORGANS!!! That scared the crap out on me!! I read some more about him till I found a few stories on his origin. The one that stuck out to me the most was how he went to a boarding school and was sacrificed by one of the schools students. After reading the whole story, I was devastated. His whole life was taken away from him because of some stupid cult group. I felt like crying, he had it worse than I ever will. There was also the fact that he said he liked me. Did he mean like as to eat me, of like as in to like like some one, meaning me. Did he really like me or was he trying to win over my good side before hurting me? I really couldn't tell but I knew I was about to find out. I look over to my balcony window and watched as the sun slowly set. I had a gut feeling he would visit me again. I had to get ready.

thanx 4 reading. i will continue & and please vote and leave a comment 4 this chapter, thanx ;)

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