Chapter 6

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***Jay's p.o.v.***

I could feel as Jack took the blanket off me and began to dress me back to my original state. I couldn't resist, even if I wanted to. My lungs where burning from all the screaming I did and my eyes where puffy and I couldn't see very well from all the tears. I was to weak to get up myself so I let Jack dress me. Once he was finished, he picked me up and moved me somewhere. Probably to the other side of the bed. I then felt him place some sort of blanket over most of my body. It smelled of cologne and husky so it might have been his hoodie. I didn't care though. I was too tired to even care. A few minutes later, I slowly open my eyes to see a blurry figure before me. I soon realize this blurry figure is Jack. I stare at him for a while.

"Hay" he said.

"Hi..." I said meekly.

"You ready to go?"

I nodded, I wasn't really in the mood for talking. I slowly got up and handed Jack his hoodie looking down at my lap and avoiding eye contact. I glanced at him as he put on his hood but than quickly look down as our eyes met for a few seconds.

"You want a piggy-back ride home?" He offered.

I slowly nodded my head still avoiding eye contact. He crouched down and I slowly crawled onto his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his side. He placed his hands under my thighs. I flinched and he automatically stopped.

"You okay?" he asked with a hink of worry in his voice.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay?," I reply quietly.

He once again placed his hands under my thighs and hoisted me up firmly onto his back. I lay the side of my head on his back as we exit his room and soon, the mansion. As me walked through Slender Woods I thought about what had happened a few hours ago. I closed my eyes and let the tears trickle down my face. I soon doze off on Jacks back.

*** Jack's p.o.v.***

I walk through the woods with Jay on my back

She doesn't weigh much so its not that big of a deal for me to carry her through the woods. I can feel her heart beat slow down after a few minutes. She must have fallen asleep. I expected this to happen though. I must have been a very, long day for her. When we reached the well, I slowly slipped her off my back and into my arms bridal style careful not to wake her. We arrive at Willow Woods in Jay's dimension.

***Jay's Dream***

I was in Slender Woods with Jack. But it was different. We where in a field of flowers. Each brightly colored with any color you could think possible. We play tag through this feild of exotic flowers. I run from Jack, laughing as he tries to catch me. I laugh too. I turn around to see he was gone. I stop running and begin to call his name. He's nowhere within my field of vision. I begin to cry in panic as I frantically look for him. All of a sudden, the syk falls dark, as is the sun has burned out. A few moments later, all the flowers in the field slowly crinkle up and die. Whats left of their gray bodies fade away into nothingness and I am left alone. Completely alone. Alone in a space of pure darkness and the only illuminating thing there was me. I look down at myself. The clothes I had worn were replaced by a snowy white robe that fell below my knees. All of a sudden, some thing came from behind and groped my breasts squeezing them painfully. I look down to see a pair of hands with sharp claw like nails digging into my chest. From where the thing grabed me, blood red liquid began to flow. This substance slowly stained my snowy white dress. I watch as the last spot of white was slowly swallowed into the sea of red. My snowy white dress was now completely stained in this blood like substance. Horrified, I swung my head around yo see the figure who was holding me rather tightly. I was shocked to see this very figure was no other than Jack!! He was smiling wickedly at me as he squeezed he harder. This couldn't be the Jack I know and loved. He was kind, gental, and loving towards me. This Jack was the exact opposite. He had a dark and negative ora flowing around him. It was Jack, but at the same time, it wasn't Jack. I was then thrown down where I landed on something soft. A bed. Jack, or should I say Anti-Jack, then appeared on top of me. He took his first finger than slashed it across his sharp, toothy smile. He then allowed the blood to run from his finger onto my dress. As it dripped, my dress slowly began to fizz and burn up in reaction to his blood. Anti-Jack watched as my dress began to slowly burn away until I was left with nothing on but my bra and pantie. He laughed at me as I lay there defenseless and had noway of escaping. He placed his finger under my betty button then slowy ran it up the middle of of me stomach and stopped at the little strap thar held my bra cups together. I breathed heavily and shake my head no trying to get him to stop. He simply nodded his head yes. I one swift motion, he used his claw and cut the little strap. He watched as the two cups fell slowly revealing my chest.

***Jays p.o.v.***

I shoot my eyes open and gasp for air. I look around and see I'm in Jack's arms. I begin to cry again. I wrap my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry," I whined. "I'm sorry."

"Jay, its okay," he said comforting me. "Now why are you crying?"

He carried me over to a near by bench in the playground out dide of Willow Woods. We sat down. He slowly lifted my face and wiped my tears away with his thumb.

"What's wrong?"

"...N-nothing. I just had, a bad dream."

" Do you wanna tell mr about it?"

I shake my head.

"That's okay. Maybe later."

Jack puts one hand on my head snd the other around my waist before pulling me closer. I bury the side of my head in to his chest and stay there. A few minutes later, after I've calmed down, we get up and he walks me home. As we walk, I wrap my arms around his until we get home. He drops me of in front of my house. He kisses me on the forehead and says his good byes before turning and getting ready to go. I tug his hoodie with my head held low.

"Don't leave me..." I whisper.

Jack pulls my hand and gives me a hug.

"Don't worry, I'll be back at night."

I watch as my hand slips from his as he leaves. I go home.

"MOM!! I'm home," I yell trying to put on my best happy voice.

" Oh good. Your just in time for lunch."

"Mom, can I eat it in my room? I feel that I need to be alone."

"Sure. Any reason why your home early? You usually spend the whole day in the woods."

"No reason. I'm just... tired"

My mom hands me a turkey sandwich on a plate with a side of mayo. I climb up the stairs and into my room. After eating, I collapse onto my bed and doze off.

A/N: thanx for reading, vote and leave a comment plz and thanx

p.s sorry for all the crying on this chapter

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