Chapta 9

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Ashton held the door for me and when he walked in after the boys and me, I gave him a kiss on the cheek. He held my hand and we started looking for the famous boy band.

"Hey, guys! Over here!" We heard from a booth in the back. I got real excited. I've always been a directioner. I held it all in though. Just act normal, kid, I told myself.

We walked in the direction where the voice came from. There sitting before me, was the boy band, One Direction. The five of us sat down and they all started talking back and forth. I stayed quiet.

"Are you going tok introduce us to your friend?" Harry asked.

"Or are you just going to keep her a secret?" Louis sassily asked.

"Boy's this is my girlfriend, Danny. Danny, this is Zayn, Louis, Harry, Niall, and Liam." Ashton pointed to each one as he said their names.

"Nice to meet you," I smiled and shook their hands.

The waitress came up and asked, "Alright, what can I get you to drink?"



"Dr. Pepper."


"Dr. Pepper."





"Dr. Pepper."

She wrote it down and walked away.

"So, Danny," Liam asked, "where are you from?"

"I origionally was from Sydney, but moved to Melbourne when I was 13," I answered.

"How'd you meet Ashton?" Zayn asks.

"The five of us have been best friends for as long as I can remember," I replied. I just wanted to lay my head on Ash's shoulder, but I didn't.

Luke, Harry, Niall, and Michael started talking about the tour. Then the waitress came back with our drinks. I took a sip of my Dr. Pepper. We ordered our food and everyone started talking again.

"I'm starving! I wish they'd hurry up!" Niall complained.

"Niall, the waitress hasn't even made it to the kitchen yet," Louis told him.

"She could be faster," he replied.

Ashton let go of my hand and instead, put his arm around my waist. I smiled.


Danny was being unusually quiet. I put my arm around her waist. Then I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Why are you being so quiet?"

"Because I'm sitting in front of the most popular boy band in the world," she whispers back.

"Yeah so?" I whisper.

"I don't want to embarass myself," she replies.

"Since when have you embarassed yourself?"

"I don't want to take a chance."

"Just be yourself, and I promise you, you will not embarass yourself. Okay?" I gave her a smile.

"Okay, fine," she gave in.


I decided I'd start to talk if someone started talking to me. The waitress came back with our food.

"Finally!" Niall dug in. I took a bite of my burger. Throughout lunch, I warmed up to One Direction. Before we left, they put their numbers in my phone. 5 Seconds of Summer and I drove back to our hotel room. We entered the lobby.

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