Chapta 4

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Then, out of nowhere, Calum rolled into us. I threw into a fit of laughter. So did Calum, but Ashton just  let out a fake chuckle. He might've been irratated. Then, from the top of a slide, Luke yelled, "WHO WANTS ICE CREAM?!"

There were a couple ice cream parlors here, so we chose to go to the one closest to the park. On our way there, Mike, Luke, and Cal were all talking away, while Ash was a distance behind us. I stopped and waited for him. When he caught up I walked with him behind the pack.

"So what was it you had to tell me?" I asked.

"Nothing," Ashton looked down at his feet, "doesn't matter anyway."

"Something's wrong," I gave him a stern look. He didn't even spare me a glance.

"Nothing's wrong," he replied.

"I don't believe you," I said. Ashton stayed quiet. I paused, then did a tickle attack. He couldn't help but smile and laugh.

"S....sto....stop!" he said through breaths of laughter. I stopped an asked him, "So will you tell me what's wrong?"

Ashton gave me a genuine smile, "Everthing is fine. Perfect."

I smiled back and we caught up with the other three boys. We got our ice cream and started walking to my house. I felt something freezing on my nose, and came to realize, Luke stuck his ice cream on my nose. "Oh it's on!" I said sassily. I flicked some of my ice cream at him, but ended up hitting Michael. The three of us got in an ice cream war right outside my house. On the street. When we ran out of ice cream, we noticed Ashton and Calum standing off to the side.

"How immature of you!" Ashton chuckled.

"Oh we love you two so much! Don't we?" I turned to Michael and Luke. They didn't quite get what I was saying so I made it clearer, "I think we should give them an ice cream hug to show them how much we love them!"

"Oh!" The two finally got it. Ashton and Calum took off running. We tackled them on the front lawn. Just imagine, driving by this house, to see three ice cream covered kids hugging two other kids.

My mom stuck her head out the door.

"You don't wanna know," Michael spoke before she could.

"I don't think I want to," she furrowed her eyebrows.

There was only two bathrooms, so Michael took one, and I took one. Everyone would have their turn, though. I let the hot water run down my back, and I fell deep into thought about what Ashton had to tell me.


I changed out of my sticky clothes and pu on some sweats and a t-shirt. I sat on m bed and looked through tweets, maybe answer a couple fan questions. I heard a knocking on my door. "Come in!"

It was Calum.

"Why'd you knock? We're sharing the same room," I told him. He just shrugged.

"So, listen," Calum started, "I'm sorry. For ruining your moment with Danny. I didn't mean too. I swear. No hard feelings?"

I could see the concern in his eyes. Besides, no one could stay mad with Calum. I gave him a reassuring smile and said, "No way, man."

He smiled back, then changed the subject, "I wish they'd hurry up in the showers! They got ice cream in my hair!" 


Still covered in ice cream, I waited outside for one of the showers to be available. It wouldn't be very good to go inside with this sticky stuff on me, so that was why I was outside.

I remember when Danny and her family moved from Sydney to Melbourne. I remember that day very clearly.

Ashton, Michael, Calum and I ran across the street before it was too late. They were just about to leave, when we waved at them to stop. They did and Danny hopped ou o the car. She took us all in a tight group hug.

"I'm gonna miss you guys!" Danny said. She was on the verge of crying. But so were we. 

"We're gonna miss you too!" Michael said, hiding his eyes in his sleeve.

"You got to promise to write, call, email, whatever. Just keep in contact." I said. She nodded.

"Promise us one thing," Ashton looked her in the eyes, "never forget about us!"

"Never." she repeated. Danny pulled something from her pocket. She held out her hand. She had five matching bracelets. Hand-made ones. We all took one and promised to keep them on forever. She gave us all one last tight hug, and got back in the car. Danny waved to us as the car rolled on by. 

I haven't taken the bracelet off in four years. None of us had. 

Calum poked his head out the door and said, "Luke it's our turns for the showers!"


I felt clean, and fresh. Way better. I got ready for bed, not expecting a night's worth of troubled sleep.

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