Chapta 5

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It was pitch black. I couldn't see a thing and I had no clue where I was. I carefully took a few steps, then stubbed my toe and tripped. Though I didn't fall flat on the ground. I felt my surroundings. I was leaning on some stairs. I headed up them, keeping my hands on them. Maybe they would lead me to a light. When I couldn't feel any more steps, I supposed I was at the top. I was wrong. There would be no light awaiting me. Carefully, I stood up. I felt what I was wearing. I was in my pajamas. Some shorts and a long sleeve shirt.

All of the sudden, there was a lit candle. It was silently glowing in the middle of the floor. It shed off enough light for me to see my surroundings. I was at the top of the stairs in my house. There were doors that lead to the guest room, my brothers' room, and my room. I walked to my bed room door and tried the knob. It was locked. Then I tried my brothers'. It, also, was locked. All that was left was the guest room. But, something was telling me not to twist the knob. I stood still, not exactly knowing what to do.

I heard a click, and a monster like thing came out of my room. I screamed and ran for the stairs. There was another one coming up. I had no choice but to try the guest room. Before I got to it, another one of the monsters came out of my brothers' room. I quickly ran to the guest room door, but before I could grab the knob, it opened. The four monsters surrounded me. They had Sharp, long claws, and their eyes were like black marbles inside of their eyesockets. Their hair looked like it was whipped around by a tornado. But then, I noticed the color of their hair. Two blonds, a dyed black, and a dark brown. I looked closely into their faces and saw my four best friends.

The monster like Calum slammed me against the wall and lifted me up by my throat, choking me.

"Sto..... stop! me! Dann...y! Cal..... Luke......Mike.....Ash.......Please!" I said through gasps of air and trying to pry off Calum's hand.

"You fool!" Michael hissed.

"Those four fools are no longer within presence in these bodies!" Luke spit at me. Before I could say anything else, they tore me to shreds.

I woke up in sweat and tears. What a terrible dream. I took a deep breath, and sighed. I stepped onto the cold floor, and walked down the stairs to get a glass of water.

I swished the water around in my mouth. Behind me I heard, "Are you alright?"

I jumped and turned around to see Ashton and his bed head. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"I heard your door open, so I just wanted to see if you were okay," he told me.

"What are you doing awake at 3 in the morning," I chuckled.

Ash just shrugged and said, " I don't know I guess I couldn't sleep."

We walked back up the stairs. Then Ashton leaned on my door.

"Soooo..... How about you and me go see a movie Friday?" He asked. I could see the hope in his eyes.

I smiled and said, "Sounds perfect."

His smile grew wider and he hopped off to the guest room.


I woke up to Ashton being loud and happy. I glanced at the alarm clock. It was 3:24 a.m.

"Ash, why are you being hyper, at three in the morning?" I asked him.

He started talking really fast, " Well I heard someone downstairs and it ended up being Danny and I asked her if she wanted to go to a movie Friday and she said yes!"

"That's great now go to sleep!" I said to him. Ashton hopped in his bed. I looked at Luke and Calum and they were both snoring away.


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