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This story, "Flight Risk" including all chapters, prologues/epilogues and associated content (i.e. fanfics, teasers and content within blogs, social networks, and eReaders) is copyrighted. All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of this work (Rika Hedglin) and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law. Any links, images, brand names or otherwise copyrighted material is not my own, and is not covered by my copyright. No copyright infringement is intended.


Picture of Sam ---------------------------------------------------->

It was pouring when he entered the diner that day. His dark brown hair, dyed black from the rain, was plastered to his face and my heart literally skipped a beat.

He didn’t acknowledge me, or anyone for that matter, as he walked past to sit on a barstool at the far end of the room. Disappointment followed closely by resignation worked its way through me. Seven years had passed since we'd seen each other last and while memorable, I'd just as soon forget it. Unfortunately my heart wasn't exactly amenable to that wish.

“-ity. Trinity. Trinity?”

I jumped at the sound of my name, only just realizing that I'd rudely ignored one of the loyal patrons of Cup O' Joe's. Then again, every local of the small town of Serenity was a loyal patron of the Mom and Pop diner, seeing as it was the only diner for almost 20 miles.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Rodgers what was that?” I responded finally snapping out of my reverie.

“That’s alright sweetie. Everyone knows you’ve always had your eye on the Evans boy. I’ll just be getting a hot coffee today to warm these old bones.” She gave me a knowing smile that begged me to try and deny it, so I just blushed and set off to get her that coffee she wanted.

“I’ll be with you in a moment.” I called to him. A small part of me hoped he would look up at my acknowledgement, but his eyes never left the storm outside.


I quickly took Mrs. Rodgers her drink before slowly making my way back behind the counter. He looked so different than I remembered. So different, and yet exactly the same. His black shirt stuck to him, giving a glimpse of his trim, slightly muscular build and his leather jacket, in addition to the light stubble on his jaw, gave him an almost rugged air. Dark blue jeans and black boots completed the look and my stomach fluttered in response. The lanky, easygoing Samuel Evans had officially grown into a smoking hot man.

With a deep, mind cleansing breath I steeled myself and finally approached him.

“What can I get for you?”

“I’d kill for piping hot latte. I’ve tried it a million other places, but no one seems to make it taste as good as it does here.”

Midway through his request he finally turned his attention from the storm to me. I'd forgotten how blue his eyes were. They were the intense blue of a colored contact commercial and it took everything I had not to blush when I finally looked away because I knew I'd been been staring. I rushed away to the expresso machine, grateful for the opportunity to put my back to him. He wasn't making my job any easier though, I could feel his piercing gaze on me. It was wreaking havoc on my concentration and my hands were shaking like leaves in the wind. After placing his cup in front of him, I turned to leave when he spoke up.

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