Capitulo Once

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Picture of Brian ----------------------------->

“My brother is not a piece of shit! He was 21 and he made a mistake!”

“Yeah a mistake that cost seven people their lives! Lives that would have impacted countless other lives! And their potential was forever silenced in the blink of an eye!” Sam yelled angrily.

“Not everyone was destined to impact others,” Brian corrected automatically.

For such a vague statement, it cut deeply. My voice wavered as I blinked back tears of pain.

“How dare you? How dare you bring that up! I told you that in confidence and you rubbed it in my face. You kicked me when I was down. When I needed you most.”

“Trini, you know I loved you… I probably always will.”

“Stop it Brian.”

“And not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought about you. About us.”

“There’s no ‘us’ anymore, Brian. There hasn’t been since you- Why are we even talking about this after all this time?”

“Zach gets out on probation next week,” he told me quietly, “and I thought you should hear it from me instead of the mill.”

“Well you’ve told us,” Sam interrupted, “Now get off my property.”

“I’ve got a better idea. How about you two talk about your respective douchebag qualities, because I’m fed up.”

When Sam made a move to follow me, I added, “With both of you.”

In a fashion that would do any true diva proud, I stormed off, not paying any mind to the two assholes that held a special place in my heart, and that were trailing behind me like lost little puppies.

“Trinity, why are you mad at me? You didn’t seem so angry a little bit ago,” Sam called from behind me.

“Now you’ve done it,” Brian mumbled; judging by the volume of his voice, it was more to himself than Sam or I.

But unbeknownst to either infuriating man, I was past the point of frustration, anger and sadness. I had officially successfully detached myself from the entire situation, which was no small feat considering. Nothing said detachment better than my silence as I strode past Ashley when I arrived back at the house. She even looked like she had a snarky comeback for whatever insults she thought I’d fling her way.

“Sammy, leave her alone. She obviously doesn’t want to talk to you,” Ashley said from her perch on the arm of the couch.

“I never thought I’d say this,” I announced from my room as I grabbed the keys to my Jeep, “but she’s right! And with that, I believe a miracle has occurred and hell has simultaneously frozen over.”

“Trini?” A voice hesitantly called, “Are you okay? Where are you going?”

“I’m fine sweetie, I just need some space from the people in the living room.” I sighed, “Want to come with me?”

“If you want to be alone…” Rissa trailed off, giving me an out, but an idiot could hear the hope in her voice.

“Come on, kiddo. You know I always have room for you in my Jeep,” I smiled. “Want to go four wheeling?”

“Yeah!” She exclaimed, taking off at a run, presumably to put some shoes on. “She seems fine to me,” I heard her say softly to someone in the living room.

“Stop updating your brother and get your shoes or I’m leaving you here. I’ll be waiting for you in the Jeep,” I yelled down the hall.

“O-okay Trini!”

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