Capitulo Tres

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Picture of Rissa ----------------------------------------->

I awoke to five things that occurred in short succession of each other, none of which were pleasant. A loud banging noise, cursing, a sudden dip in the bed, an arm flung painfully onto my stomach, and more cursing.

"Ow!" I groaned sleepily.

"What the- who the hell?"

More cursing was heard, and the bed returned to normal; this was followed by the sound of shuffling and the click of the blinding overhead light being turned on.

"Trinity?" Sam questioned baffled.

"Sam?" I squinted, eyes trying to adjust to the light, my brain just barely catching on.

He quickly recovered with a smirk as a mischievous glint entered his eyes. "In that much of a rush to see me again, are you? I admit this is a little more forward than I'm used to, but on account that you're an attractive woman and we've known each other for a while..." He slowly approached me while his intense blue eyes moved over my body; I swear I felt every part that he looked at heat up in response. This was not the Sam that I was used to; this one was all heated looks, smooth talking and sex appeal. The one I remembered didn't smirk or openly undress women with his eyes; he was awkward smiles and harmless flirting, though he never did either when it came to me. He was a guy, so I knew he undressed women with his eyes, even in high school, but the way he was doing it now, was altogether different.

Ignoring temptation and trying to hide my discomfort, I asked him what he was doing in my room. Either my total disregard for his attempt to do whatever it is he was aiming to do or the news that this was my bedroom, caused him to stop in his tracks with a dumbfounded expression. If I had to take a wild guess, I'd have said both.

"I'm sorry what?"

"I asked you what you were doing in my room."

"Your room?" He questioned, still not catching on.

"Yes as in," I got out of bed and walked over to my closet and opened the accordion style door, "the place where I store my clothes, makeup and various other belongings in addition to utilizing the bed for sleeping purposes." I supplied sarcastically.

"I know what a room is for," he rolled his eyes, "I was just a little confused how my room is now somehow your room."

"Forgive me if I leave the explanations for either your mother or the morning, but I'm really tired and would love to continue this when the sun is actually up." The bedside alarm clock that I never used for more than telling time was displaying three forty-five a.m. and I wasn't in the mood to stay conscious since I loved my sleep as much as the next girl.

"Uh. Yeah. Sure. I'll just go, uh, sleep on the couch." He responded in a fashion much more like the Sam I knew. "G'Night."

"Night," I replied before collapsing on the bed, "turn off the light on your way out will ya?"

"Sure" was the last thing I heard before I immediately fell back asleep.


I awoke the next morning to the heavenly smell of bacon and syrup; Kristy hadn't made breakfast like that in a while. Usually by the time her days off rolled around, she was so exhausted from her lack of sleep that she'd be dead to the world until the afternoon.

Opening my closet door to dress for the day, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror next to my door. My long brown hair was tangled and sticking out in every direction; part of it looked like someone had rubbed a balloon on it because it had the static look. There were bags under my eyes and my normally tanned skin lacked the healthy glow it usually had. I hoped to God, that I hadn't looked like that five hours ago when Sam had woken me up, because that was not exactly how I'd planned to catch his attention. I shrugged to myself, realizing that if all he wanted me for was my appearance, I didn't want or need him to complicate my life. I grabbed my clothes, a towel and a hairbrush and quickly made my way to the bathroom. Luckily it was empty, so I locked the door behind me and took a quick twenty minute shower.

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