Capitulo Catorce

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Picture of Gabe (Darren Criss)------------------------>

IMPORTANT PLEASE READ THIS NOTE! For my readers over the age of 18 that want this chapter as it was originally written, use watty code 2383845 in the search. Don't read both, pick one or you'll feel like killing me by the time you find the changed portion of the story. Also, because it's private, Wattpad will not let nonfans read it, so if you receive an error just fan me and refresh the page. 

As soon as the six of us were out in the open, Sam picked up the pace leaving me behind in confusion. I wanted to catch up to him and ask him what seemed to be bothering him this time when a felt a hand grip my wrist to keep me where I was. Liz jogged past me and caught up to Sam, giving him a big shove when she got within her arm’s reach. The hand that held me secure loosened and I turned to talk to someone that had been relatively quiet since I’d met her.

“So…” I trailed off realizing I didn’t have much to say. Gabe and Brad were walking ahead of us and we had inadvertently broken off into pairs.

“So…” she replied back with a smile, “Wanna play a game?”

I must’ve looked at her funny because she laughed and clarified, “It’s a cross between a guessing game and a narration game. You see Liz and Sam over there? All you have to do is pretend they’re lip syncing to your voice. Make up a dialogue for their body language and expressions.”

Sam had a pensive look on his face as he listened to whatever Liz was saying and she looked frustrated as she gestured with her hands a few times in the span of about 15 seconds. I looked over to Brad who had a goofy expression on his face and was doing weird little hand movements while Gabe was laughing so hard he was turning red.

“Can I do them instead? They look easier,” I observed.

“Yeah, sure,” she smiled, clearly happy to have someone to play along with.

“And then she was all, ‘Like, OMG, you’re Liz from Poetic Justice! You could be a triple threat! Oh, Gabe and Crystal are with you too! They make the cutest couple we need a name for them,” I mocked with a low voice pretending I was Brad. “How about Gabstal? Or Gabrystal? Oh, I know,” I mocked when Brad stuck a single pointer in the air, “Crystiel!”

Just then, Gabe burst out laughing so loud and we clearly heard him say, “Crystiel? What the hell kind of name is that? That sounds like white wine or sparkling water!”

“Damn, you’re good!” Crystal laughed quietly, “How’d you know that Pitt was talking about psycho chick from the pizzeria? Scratch that. What’d I’d really like to know is how you knew he was coming up with a couple’s mash up name, let alone the exact one that would make Gabe burst out laughing.”

With a chuckle I responded, “If you knew Brad as long as I’ve known him, sometimes you just know things. His body language was how I knew he was talking about her though. He does this little bobble head thing whenever he’s impersonating a female. He’s been doing it since we were kids, back when he used to get in chewed out by his mom all the time. Your turn.”

“Alright,” she confirmed as she stared at Liz and Sam for a moment.

“What’s your problem?” she started in a spot on impersonation of Liz, “Just get over yourself and ask her already instead of acting like a jealous school boy.”

“I’m not acting like jealous school boy,” she huffed in the girly version of Sam’s voice, “I’m just-”

Her pretty convincing retelling of what they were talking about was interrupted when Gabe took her hand and Brad threw his arm back around my neck.

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