The Phone Call

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"Hello I need the police," Sal said into the phone. The others stood nervously waiting to hear what was going on.

"My friend, James Murray, has gone missing," Sal said.

"No it hasn't been 24 hours it's been 35 minutes bu-" Sal said but was cut off.

"No I'm concerned for my friend, some said they over heard a conversation, one in which a man said to my friend 'if not you then one of your friends'," Sal said just hearing that line made their stomachs turn.

"Yes, my two other friend and I will come down the the station," Sal said sounding defeated. He hung up a few minutes later.

"What d'they say?" Q asked, by what he heard Sal say he was worried about how the police were going to handle it.

"We need to go down to the station and answer some questions and we've to bring you with us," Sal said pointing at the bartender who they had originally talked ok.

"Let's get a move on," Joe said.

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