Q's statment

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Q was last of all the jokers.

I hardly know what I'm doing, I'm just so confused and I wish Murray was back.

"Sir," the police officer calls, " what can you tell us about James Murray"

"James was born on Staten Island, he's currently 39. He's a comedian.  Part of a comedy troupe. A very good friend of mine, sal and joes. He works with us on a TV program in America. Really short Brown hair, average hight, skinny, I think that's everything." I say, they probably think I'm the killer. L

"Where does he live, give me a city?" The officer asks me. He doesn't live wit Joe, aOh I remember!

"James lives in Manhattan, New York." I reply.

"I understand this is hard but I'm going to have to ask, does James have any enemies?" The cop asks me and I think back to anyone that could be annoyed are want to hurt him, but I can't think of any.

"No, not that I am aware of," I say.

"Any distinguishing mark, birth marks, tattoos?" The officer asked and I smiled.

"Yeah he has a tattoo of a crydiving ferret, he got it for the show," I said and smiled fondly.

"Ok just go back out I'll be out in a minute," the officer said and I got out as quickly as possible.

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