Chapter 14- An Amzing Gift

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__Chloe's POV__

I was sleeping soundly snuggled up against Adam until.....

Adam's loud yawn woke me from my slumber.When I look at him, one arm spread widely and One of his knuckle's rubbed his eye, Making a small whimper when he closed his mouth. Aww.... Adam looked adorable, like a little  kid. "Morning' sleeping beauty", "Your sure I'm The beautiful one?" He asked in a deep sexy voice.

"Hmm" I nodded And he chuckled, Adam whimpered snuggling his nose in my neck. "I wanna sleep" He said wrapping an arm around me bringing me closer. "You get out of the hospital today" I said teasing him, Adam's Head shot up from there spot on my neck."Really!?" Adam asked overly excited, "Yep" I say pecking his lips and getting up from bed.

As I bend over to get my towel and clothes to take a shower,My back was facing Adam, So he HAD whistle, "Wow, That ass...". I blushed picking up my clothes scurrying to the bathroom, but before I can get in Adam is somehow behind me hugging me from the back, My blush become's darker then a few moments ago. Adam playfully nipped my neck whispering in my ear "I love you, You know that right?".

I gasped as he nipped my neck again, "I love you too." I say softly and Adam smiled widely. Like a kid about to go out for ice cream. He kissed the spot were my neck and collarbone meet, unwrapping his arms around my waist and i walked in the bathroom. "ADAM!" I called, i like to sing in the shower so I'm gonna ask if He plug my iPod in the speaker."Yea?!" Adam yelled standing outside the bathroom door. "Can you turn on the music PLEASE!?" I say close to the door so he can here me. "Sure, Loe!" Adam answered.

Loe...I was starting to miss his nickname for me, I undressed and stepped into the warm water. I was thinking about Adam's little act he pulled earlier, UGH! his touch made my body crazy. One day..... I thought to my self, shutting off the dirty part of myself. I dint even notice the music was on from being to caught up in my thoughts.

A familiar  tone came into my ears, FUCK YEAAAAAAA!

It was my favorite ABSOLUTE song starting up, Paranoia, By Dope.( Fact- This is not only Chloe's favorite song but mine too! hehe, get to know the author huh?) I started to sing along when the song started....

 (Love this song, You should hear it!)

You say I'm paranoid

Isn't that what you said

You say it's my imagination

And I'm fucked in the head


And it's easy to see

Well is it really paranoia

Or is somebody after me

Is this going down... down

Or is it

Para-fuckin-noia driving me insane

Para-fuckin-noia ripping up my brain

Is it para-fuckin-noia making believe

It's either para-fuckin-noia 

Or somebody's after me


And don't believe what you hear

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