Chapter 18- Wild goose chase

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Hello Hello Hello DING! So much crap to do at home and Im grounded for sneaking out to my Friends house fir a horror movie sleepover. I couldn't help it, my boyfriend was there (He sunk out to xD) and my two be sties Reyda and Amanda with their boyfriends. PLUS I LOVE HORROR! 

My mom wont be home from work until 5 so I'm trying to write a chapter for you people! enjoy! plus im on vactaion now with my bros YAY!

I have gotten messages for this, NO I WILL NOT DO A SEXY SCENE O-O. U perverted little people xD I will put more romance in it though :P  



__Adam's POV__6 Months Later_

~Dream World~

Chloe and I sat on a red blanket In a field of flowers, I was dreaming of the moment I would do this. I look over to Chloe she was holding a blue flower sniffing it, "Thanks" she mumbled "For what?" I asked softly.

Chloe looked at me "Bringing me here...thank you", "Anything for you" 

I took her hand in mine, 'Just go for it!' my mind demanded. "Chloe?" 

Chloe looked at me again, and I was down on one knee "Will you marry me?" I asked opening the small black box containing a diamond ring I bought for her0..., all for her.  Her dark brown eyes widened and she opened her mouth to say something, I took her left hand and she quickly pulled it back.


"Hey Adam! are you OK!? WAKE UP!"

I gasped wakening up from my bad dream,no more like  NIGHTMARE "Bad dream?" Chloe asked "Y-Yea" she smiled kissing the top of my head, "You need to dye it again, your brown roots are showing" 

I groaned loudly climbing out of bed, Today I was going to propose and I had an Idea I just wasn't sure she would like it. Chloe has been living with me for a few Weeks now, well ever since Drake turned 18 actually. He really wanted the apartment to himself, even has a girlfriend named Sammie. 

I open the bathroom door stepping inside a loud yelp came from under my feet "HOLY-" Thud. I fell onto the floor and I saw Cyrus running away with his tail between his legs he was up to my knee at the moment. "ADAM?" Chloe called 

I groaned again "Whaaaaat?", "Was Cyrus sleeping the bathroom again?" 


"Need help?"


"Alright then"

I picked my self up from the floor brushing my black hair back In frount of th mirror, Chloe was right I needed to dye it again, Oh fun...

_Chloe's POV_

I saw Adam get off the floor so I turned to make breakfast turning on Pandora to the Michal Jackson station. Knowing he likes Michal, the first song was Give into me ( its rally from Michael Jackson Adam like renewed it)

"OH THAT'S MY SONG!" Adam chanted from the bathroom and I giggled, Adam came out of the bath room with his freshly dyed black hair hugging me from behind

"Love Is A Feeling

Give It When I Want It

'Cause I'm On Fire

Quench My Desire

Give It When I Want It

Talk To Me Woman

Give In To Me

Give In To Me"

Adam sung into my ear "I have to go..." he gently kissed my neck before letting go, I pouted when he got his keys "Don't worry I let you chores to do, my maid. the note is on the bed" I looked at him like he grew a second head "Bye, i love you" 

"I love you too"  I yelled from the kitchen, I ran to the door giving him a quick kiss and heading back to the kitchen. "He didn't even eat..." I mumbled sitting on the couch and Cyrus jumped into my lap "More for me and you then"

_Adam's POV_

All is perfectly planed... Now i got to find which bathing suit fits me...and wait... Shit this might take awhile...


The most logical thing to do is....

Play Temple run...and have a snack I'm starving.

_Chloe's POV_

 There on the bed was a black note and form here i can tell that it had white writing. I slowly picked up the not and read it.

I love you because of no reason at all because if I have a reason to love you, I'm afraid I'll have a reason to leave you. Now head to Miami beach, the clerk of our favorite Ice cream shop has another note for you.... See you soon Chloe

~Adam P.S. I love you!

I smiled at the adorable note, I knew which store he was talking about. I grabbed my car keys of the counter heading out the door I locked Cyrus inside and open the door of my blue mustang Blaring Sleeping with the sirens out the speakers.

-Skip to the beach-

I jogged over to the store seeing the Happy waitress's that's always there to great us. Natalie. "Hey,Chloe!" she smiled "Hey Nate, um here" i handed her Adam's note "OH RIGHT! i forgot,sorry!" Natalie handed me another note.

I miss you when I'm not with you....when I'm not with you all I do is think about you...when I think about you I just want to be with you....and when I'm with you it's like all of my dreams have come true. If fact i miss you now! alright so your most likely hungry so head to the Cliff were we wold sit to get away from drake. See you soon i love you


I smiled widely "I wish i had someone like that" she sighed her elbow propped up on the counter while her hand held her chin. "You cant even imagine"

-Skip to the Cliff-

Honestly i was starving, walking up the hill the smell of pasta hit me. I inhaled the sweet smell deeply and jogged to the top were a amazing picnic was laid out, on top of a plate of pasta was the Black fancy note that Adam would leave. 

I fall in love with you again every time I look into your beautiful eyes.I say I love you so much because I never know if one day I will  end up in the hospital again and I want my last feeling to be me loving you and you loving me.You are so amazingly... wonderfully... beautifully... awesomely... maybe... no most definitely the most precious of all precious things. OK your last surprise come to the Fish and Friends aquarium. Il see you there I'm sure you'll love it.

~Love you, Adam

I smiled the last note, i nee to go to the Aquarium downtown. I couldn't help but think....Why?

Why? go through all this trouble for me. Actually if i had a dollar for how many times he said I love you I could buy.....Well allot

I think i should get going....

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