Chapter 7- Dont leave me please.....

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Chole- really? 'i started to cry'

Adam- idk i hadent thought of it.

'Wait a sec,'

Chole- cant u take me?

Adam- loe ''sounds like saying lowl/ short for Chole'  i gotta talk to my manager

Chole- k.

Adam- wanna come over?

Chole- Drakes using the car to go to Taco bell with his friends -_-

Adam- i can pick u up, if u wanna ;)

Chole- ok, come pick me up

Adam- be there in like 10 min

Chole- kk ' i Thought for a second'

Chole- i love u

Adam- Wuv u darlin :3

'AWWWWWW' i thought

I decided to change, i put on my shorts since it was kinda hot out. Also a purple two piece shirt, And black boots. While i was putting on eyeliner and coming my hair there was a knock on the door. 'Kinda sounds like th beat from Animal i have become' I thought to myself. Another knock "COMING!" I yelled hurrying down the satires.

I open the door and there is Drake with his friends, I sighed to my self. "Thanks sis, i forgot my keys" he shrugged "Fucking dumb-ass." i told him. Him and his friends ran over to the T.V. and xbox, I'm a big gamer so by the sounds i could tell they were playing 'Halo'. "WHY'D YOU KILL ME?!?" I heard one of drake friends, who i reconised as Alex i knew he had a crush on me,he always flirts with me. He was the oldest of all of them, 22. "Sorry Alex" I hear another laughing "I had the LAZAR!!"."WHAT THE- YOU SON OF A BITCH!" i hear Alex yell back

. I giggle to my self,standing in the door way watching them. Alex looks up at me and pauses the game, earning groans from the others. "Hey,Chole  how you doin?" he asked. 'Oh my god dude' "Hey" i said back, "I was wondin" he paused "Wanna go out sometime?" he asked trying to do a sexy smile. "I have a boyfriend" i told him dryly. He jumped up "WHO?" he asked, Then there was a knock on the door. I smirked "COMING DARLIN" i yelled at the door.

Alex growled and i laghed. I open the door, and yes, it was Adam. "Hey Adam" i smiled "Hey Darlin" He smiled beck and hugged me tightly. I could fell Alex eyes burning through my back, Adam cupped my cheek and kissed me deeply,  i melted 'He is such a good kisser man!'  i kiss him back. "Mmm" Adam mumbled. "AHHM!" Alex grumbled loudly for us to hear, and i pulled away earning a small moan, Frustrated moan from Adam, He pouted and i giggled. "No fucking way..." i hear, I turn and look at Alex, "What?" i ask him. "That's ADAM GONTIER! OH MY GOD I LOVE YOUR MUSIC FROM THREE DAYS GRACE!" Alex said while pointing at Adam.

All the other dudes walk in "Oh fucking god" and "WOAHS" Came from everyone mouth, Drake just stood there. "Why are you so popular?!" i asked Adam. Adam shrugged "Cuz I'm sexy" He said chuckleing i smiled and nudged him, Adam put an arm around my waist and pulled me closer. "I know that" i  looked up at him, he smiled and kissed me lightly. "Lets go' He whispered to me, "Were are You going?" Alex and Drake both asked. "Adams house " i Awnsered as i walked out the door. Adam opens the door of black and white Corvette.

We arrived at Adams house, and walk through the door. " I love your house" i told him, He just smilied. Adam sat down on a Large massage chair in front of a flat screen T.V. "Sit." he told me, i walk over two Adam "Were?" He rolled his eyes and grabbed my waist.i gasped and he sat me down in his lap bridal style, and put an arm around my waist. I slightly blushed then relaxed into his chest, "Yes! Ridiculousness is on"

We watched ridiculousness for about an hour, Till Adam broke the silence "I Talked to my manager he said you could go on tour with me" I Smiled widely and wrapped my arms around his neck. He nussled his head into my neck "Anything for you lol" I kissed him, we sat there like and kissed for a minite. 'Oh i forgot!'

I broke away, "Dammit again?, really?" Adam mumbled. "What About DRAKE ADAM!" "SHIT I DIDDNT SAY ANYTHING!!" Adam screamed "I CANT leave him here Adam, im all hes got." i told adam. "We gotta go tell My manager if not Drake cant come!" Adam told me. He quickly stood aparently forgetting I'm on his lap and i fell on my face. "AH! SON OF A FUCK!" i cursed "Oops" Adam helped me up and we drove to RCA Records.

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