The Power of Wi

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    "This will totally work." Said Ryan, you may remember him from earlier.

    "Of course it will," answered his best friend Wi, a tall blonde fourteen year old.

    "Uh, it's a toaster, we were going to use that for breakfast." I complained after walking in on these two boys early in the morning.

    Wi was something extraordinary. He claimed he was an experiment like the rest of us, but he never truly did anything supernatural.  It was the ordinary things he did that made him special. Like now for instance. He and Ryan had somehow rewired the toaster to work three times as fast. Before six A.M.

    "How do you even know what to do?" Ryan had asked him.

    "I heard it somewhere." Wi had shrugged. Something told me he was holding back information, but I honestly didn't care.

    "Okay then, give me two slices of toast with jam and cinnamon." I ordered drowsily.

    "Someone's gonna have a sugar rush." A new voice said, entering the small kitchen.

    I glanced over wearily to see one of our newer recruits. Her name was Poppy, she had been rescued from the Lab a few day ago with her brother Raphael. Along with Tyler, a shady kid named Ritchie, and an older teen who insisted everyone call him Gecko.

    Raphael had been sick with a fever and an infected cut from trying to dig through the rubble of the Lab when we found him. He had been in our urgent care the last few days and Poppy had not been happy about it.

    "I need a jump start to my day." I replied, using the same excuse I always did for the ridiculous amount of sugar my body needed to function.

    Yet I still managed to stay skinny as a bean pole.  Being the product of bio experimentation is hard on everyone's diet (Will, I'm talking about you) honestly I think I must be some part insect, like a butterfly or something.

    She shrugged half-heartedly. "Suit yourself."

    Wi suddenly stiffened, cocking his head to one side like he was listening to something. Then without warning, he walked out of the room, and came back carrying an umbrella.

    "Is anyone going out today? It's going to rain." He commented, placing it on the counter.

    I frowned and glanced out the window, there were a few clouds but I seriously doubt it would rain. Especially according to the thermometer hanging outside, it was already eighty degrees fahrenheit at seven in the morning.

    "How do you know?" I asked him, wondering about his sources.

    Wi shrugged again. "I heard it somewhere. Also the traffic on the ninety one highway is all backed up."

    I shook my head, mystified, then took my plate and found a good place to sit down.

    After breakfast, I decided I did want to go out. The sun was shining through the partial cloud cover. Coming from wherever the previous school had been, this was pretty sunny.

    Until a few clouds drifted across the sky. It wasn't long before raindrops started to splatter against the ground. The soft noise mixed with the hustle bustle of cars leaving work. Beeps and roars, the occasional thunder rolled across the air like threatening war drums.

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