I Break up a Fight

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Content warning: mention and discussion of a suicide attempt

I don't know what happened, but I was innocently walking out of the Battle Planning Tent when Genny pushed open the gate with such force I was nearly turned into a pancake over.

"Whoa hey Genny what's-"

"Not now Justin!" She snapped, heading straight towards the tent where we keep the training equipment.

Will popped up out of nowhere. "Is she okay? Are you okay?"

The last part was directed at her disappearing form.

She waved him off. "Please, guys. I just need some time with no boys."

Will instantly looked guilty. "You don't think this is my fault do you?"

I threw up my hands. "I don't know how girls work!"

"Oh great what are you talking about now?" Sabine appeared at my shoulder, I felt my cheeks grow red.

"Nothing!" I said quickly, she gave me a look like she knew exactly what I was talking about.

"No I don't mean it like that!" I blushed.

Both Will and Sabine were giving weird looks now. Sabine gave me a look that said riiiiiiiiight. Will was glancing back and forth between the two of us like we're were bathed in a new light.

    "Oh." Was all he said.

    "What?" We both asked at the same time.

    "Oh nothing." He shrugged, smiling. "No-thing at all."

    "Alright, if you guys are going to continue be suspiciously vague, I'm going to bed." Sabine gave up.

"Me too." Will agreed.

I followed then back to the huge oak tree and climbed into my hammock, brushing off a few leaves. A little ways off, I watched as Dylan seemingly melted from the dark, following suit with the the rest of us.

I woke up to someone yelling.

    I blinked open my eyes and realized how late in the morning it was. Wow, I never used to sleep in like this back at Gifted. I cringed as I realized I also didn't have to hide my wings here.

    Right, back to the yelling.

    I rolled out of the hammock and walked outside, then I was awake.

    There were already other people who had gotten up earlier then me peeking their heads through tents. I ran forward, holding up my hands.

    "Hey! Stop it!" I commanded.

    Tyler was backed up against one of the walls, snarling and swiping at Dylan who was crouched and growling at him. I jumped in between the two of them, holding out my hands in front of them.

    "Stop!" I demanded, breathing hard.

    Dylan growled deep in his throat, baring his teeth and sending his spine chilling yellow stare at me. He glared at me for a few more seconds before stalking off.

    I sighed, relaxing slightly. I turned to see how Tyler was doing. His expression was still frozen into a vicious snarl as he stared off at something no one else could see. His eyes were blood red.

    "Tyler? Hello?" I asked nervously, I knew when he got angry he kind of...lost it, but I'm not sure if he could hear me.

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