Bounty Hunter

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    "You're wanted by a bounty hunter?" Tyler accused, once I filled him in.

    A couple of days had passed since the attack. We were in Self Defense, Tyler was hanging upside down from a chin-up bar, his black hair hanging down messily.

    I nodded, technically I was multitasking. Will had his fists up, standing adjacent to me and waiting for my attention to waver so he could throw a good punch.

    Will decided now was a good time and slung his fist at my head, not hard enough to hurt me, but it would sting. Of course I saw it coming and ducked out of the way.

    "That was a nice try." I complemented.

    He puffed. "That's the tenth attack you've managed to dodge in the past hour."

    "I'll distract him!" Tyler announced, and dropped off the chin up bar, landing on his palms in a prefect handstand. He then proceeded to walk around on his hands.

    Haha, for a moment I was caught off guard by his sudden acrobatics. Will slammed into me and knocked me flat on my back.

    "Ugh." I groaned. "Good job, Tyler's turn."

    Tyler stepped up onto the mat, still on his hands, and curled backward so his feet hit the ground. Then he twisted upward, and make mock roaring sound, launching into attack.

    Will blinked for a second, then was knocked to the ground like bowling pin. I hadn't gotten up yet, because I was laughing so hard.

    "That was great!" I gasped, finally able to breath again.

    "Ow." Will mumbled from under Tyler.

    Tyler got off him and he rubbed a wing tenderly, smirking meaningfully. Then Will tensed, and turned his head towards the gym doors. A second later Uncle Rich walked through them, looking ready to pound some new kid into the mat. Will's face paled.

    "What is it?" Tyler asked.

    "I... his thoughts." He stuttered.

    Will always got a hazy look in his eyes when he was reading someone mind. It was like talking to a brick wall at most. He tended to forget, as extraordinary as some of us were, we couldn't hear what he heard.

    "Well?" I commanded, wondering what was so fascinating about my uncle.

    "His friends in Washington just alerted him, they's rebuilt the Lab." He mumbled quietly.

    "What! Already? It's only been like three weeks." Tyler observed, surprisedly.

    "And they're holding hostages, we still have two days to figure out a back-up plan. If the Lab's fully operational again who's knows what could happen to them?" Will said sternly.

"We could try hacking into their mainframe, kill the tech for a few hours. Then sneak in bust them out, escape." I tried.

"You make it sound easy, where are we going to get someone who knows technology like that?" Tyler pointed out.

    I paused and thought for a moment. "Wi."

    "What?" They both asked.

    "Wi, I bet you anything he would know, just this morning Ryan and him were rewiring the toaster."

    "This could work." Will said suddenly.

    "Of course," I answered.

    "So when do we activate the plan?" I asked, getting excited.

    "Well first we have to see Wi is up for it." Said Will.

    "And then?"

    "Probably tonight, if we don't have home-"

    There was suddenly a loud crack as the glass windows on the far wall shattered. Dozens of little shards falling to the ground and bouncing light off the walls. The alarm didn't go off, something was wrong.

    I figure jumped through, dressed in black and and carrying a large coil of rope.

    I recognized her immediately, it was the bounty hunter from earlier.

    "Come back for a second round?" I called threateningly.

    "You wish!" She laughed, clipping something off her belt, swinging it the air, then tossing it at my feet.

    I recognized it mid-flight. It was a mini bolo. I managed to jump out of the way but it wrapped around one of my feet.

    "What the-" was all Will got out before it exploded.

    Pain shot up my leg, and I hit the ground hard. Will had taken to the air and was swooping down at the woman and engaging in a heated fistfight. She was matching his every move with twice the speed.

    Tyler had grunted menacingly and had jumped at the woman's exposed back. Claws unsheathed and eyes red with rage. He had gone into his bloodlust mode.

    I pushed myself up on my feet, and risked a quick glance at my throbbing foot. It was bleeding heavily, the skin was red and raw. Bits of shrapnel were stuck into the exposed flesh. It looked nasty and my stomach twisted uncomfortably. There was no way I would be able to fight, walk maybe.

The bounty hunter managed to kick Will in the stomach and he fell to the ground, gasping. Tyler had made a large cut in on her shoulder, which she clenched with gritted teeth before slamming her fist into his forehead. He collapsed, unconscious.

Will started to get up again, then she took what looked like a small bag of marbles from her belt and scattered them on the floor. They made a hissing sound and Will gasped and clutched his forehead, groaning softly.

    She walked towards me confidently, another syringe in hand.

    "Did the Lab send you?" I interrogated, preparing to defend myself.

    She didn't answer me, I swiped and hand at her. She grabbed it with her fist and twisted it behind my back. I hissed as the needle slid into my arm.

    Then she leapt out the window. Will groaned and sat up wearily, Tyler was still out. The alarms finally went off, a loud, wailing siren that made my ears hurt.

      Will moaned again and collapsed on the floor.

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