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    Getting into the Lab once he found a door was simple. Dylan forced open one of the doors and ripped it off it's hinges, hissing as the metal and stone scrapped against his skin. He wondered how much time he would have until they figured out his true intentions, he hoped it wouldn't be that long, they had to come looking for his body eventually. Dylan had stolen a flash drive he intended to fill with as much data as he could find, then he would blow up the building. He knew there was enough dangerous chemicals here to do that. He just hoped his body could protect the flash drives. He hoped they cared about him enough to come looking for him, he hoped they cared.

    Once he had the door open, about for or five people who were in the doorway screamed and ran as he howled, baring his teeth. His claws clicked along the floor as he searched for a room that look like it held all of the answers. Each time he encountered someone, he bashed them over the head, knocking them out cold.

    Finally he came across a room labeled Files. He pushed open the door and saw row upon row of blinking memory cabinets, the ones that probably each had a computer connected to them somewhere in this building. Better yet, they were labeled.

    In the back of the room, there was a control panel, he stepped over wires and peered at the different buttons. Suddenly, the light above him went out, and red ones started flashing dimly. His face twisted in discomfort as he changed back into a human, rolling his shoulders as his bones snapped back into place. There was a screen he laid a hand on it, it turned on. There was a note taking app open, Dylan glanced briefly at if, not understanding a single word of it. It looked important though, with mathematical figures and maps. He searched around, looking for some kind of input, he pugged the flash drive in and a window popped up. He clicked yes, and another window open up showing the information being transferred. Just then the screen started flashing, and all of the words he had just looked at began deleting themselves.

    "No no no!" He mumbled, cursing the computer. As he panicked, he saw something out of the corner of his eye.

    Laying on the panel, just a few feet away, was a vial of green liquid, in a syringe. Dylan's woke body felt cold as he realized what is was. It was the drug they had used on him, the one that made them insane with blood lust.

    "Dylan." A voice announced, from the dimly lit door way.

    He turned to see a large man standing in the door way, his cool blue eyes stared down at Dylan, they were the same eyes that were always standing down at him. Dylan faltered, gazing at the man in disbelief.

    "F-father?" Dylan's gasped.

    "It's been a while." He replied in a monotone.

"What...what are you doing here?" Dylan stuttered, looking down.

"I came to see how you were doing."

Dylan swallowed, wondering what he had seen.

"I'm disappointed, my brother could have tried a lot harder with that serum. I had higher hopes when I funded them."

Dylan's heart skipped a beat. His own father had funded the destruction of his son. He felt the cold sweat dripping down his back and hard and his fingers curled into fists. He wished he knew how to turn the lights on, then his father could really see how he was doing.

"Aren't you going to say something?"

Dylan didn't answer him. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the green vial glittering in the red again. An idea slowly formed in his mind. The computer beeped behind him softly, whatever it had managed to get before it wiped itself clean was done downloading. Dylan unplugged the flash drive and put it in his pocket. Then he reached over and fingered the green vial lightly, his father's glasses shining in the crimson light.

"You know what? You really sucked at fatherhood." Dylan said, and plunged the vial into his own arm.

The cold feeling grew over him, and last thing his remembered was his father's eyes widening in horror. The next thing Dylan was aware of people screaming and running, everything was flashing and blurry and there was a woman ahead of him. She was flipping switches at an insanely crazy rate.

Using his enhanced vision, he tried getting up and walking towards her, pain shot up his leg. Dylan looked behind him and there was a nasty gash across his legs, the blood clotting his fur. The building was ripped apart, there were chemicals spilled all over the floor. Dylan realized with some sickened dread some of the blood on him wasn't his own.

Wait, what's happening to me?

The emergency lights flickered on, it was just as bright as daytime, but he was changing back into a human. What did that serum do to me? He stared as his own hands for a second, it had been so long since he'd seen them in proper light. Hot tears started to form at the corners of his eyes.

The woman headed towards him, Dylan gazed dumbly at as she neared him. She kicked his ribs, Dylan cried out in pain. She whispered something in his ear, if I'm going to die protecting my research, you're dying with me. She had something in her hand, a large stick of something, then there was fire, there was fire everywhere.

Someone was calling out his name as the building exploded.

Let's end every book with an explosion shall w e

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