New Kid

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It felt like I had only 5 minutes sleep before I had to get up again. I groaned rolling out of bed. I got dressed quickly as I could. I put my hair in a high pony then left with the boys.

I waited in line behind Magnet for a shovel. Dr Pensanski was shouting something to motivate us but I didn't care to listen. I got my shovel and walked over to where breakfast is served.

Breakfast is the same as yesterday although I'm too hungry and tired to complain. Zigzag walked over and stood beside me as I finished eating.

"How you feeling?" Zigzag asked.

"I'm so tired and hungry. The food here is shit" I tell him honestly.

"It's always like that at first" He tells me.

"How long until it goes away?" I ask.

"I forgot" Zigzag sighs.

"I guess we better go fill up our canteens" I say and he nods.

"How long until your out?"

"14 months. What about you?"

"I don't know. I've been here nearly a year so hopefully soon" We join D-Tent as we make our way to today's digging space. I trail my shovel on the ground not wanting to carry it. We stop as Mr Sir marks the places.

"What you waiting for? Dig!" Mr Sir yells. I begin digging slowly. The shovels hurting the blisters on my hand. It doesn't help that I'm half asleep. I take sips of my canteen, saving water for when Dr Pendanski or Mr Sir comes to fill the the canteens up again.

The sun starts to rise as Dr Pendanski makes his first round of the truck. I take my place and he fills up my canteen. I walk back to my whole and start digging again. The boys are talking among themselves but I couldn't care to listen.

As the day went on the sun rose as did the heat. Dr Pendanski drove up to us with our lunch. Thank god. We waited in line and each got a sandwich, apple and a cracker. I sat at my hole and began to eating my sandwich. This time Squid sat next to me.

"Do you like it here yet?" Squid asks.

"Love it" I reply sarcastically.

"I thought that. How bad is your blisters now?"

"They're getting worse and more are appearing. I think some of them are gonna burst"

"Yeah, probably the worst part about this place"

"Yeah" I agree. We sit in silence for a moment as we eat.

"So do you like anyone here yet?" Squid asks randomly.

"In what way?" I ask curious.

"You know, boyfriend and girlfriend way" Wait, does Squid like me?

"Why do you ask?" I ask.

"I think X-Ray has a thing for you" Squid says catching me off guard.

"Why would you think that?"

"He told me" Squid answers. It's kinda flattering. Boys never seemed to notice me before. I guess all it took was a trip to a boys camp.

I realize all the boys here have been here for a long time and I'm the first girl they've seen since they got here. Suddenly it's less flattering.

"Only because he hasn't seen any girls in a while" I shrug back. Squid gets up.

"I should get back to digging" Squid says then walks away. I finish eating and get back to digging. I can't get what Squid says out of my head. I look over at X-Ray who's looking back at me. We both look away and start digging. Damn it Squid!

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