Letter From Home

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I woke up by the sound of the annoying bell. I groaned getting up along with the guys. I quickly got changed and threw my hair in a high pony. I walked out and got a shovel then some sloppy breakfast. I haven't been here long and already I want to puke at the sight of the food.

"Nice breakfast, huh?" X-Ray asked sarcastically as he walked up to me.

"The best" I reply sarcastically.

"Lets fill our canteens" X-Ray says. We walk up to the water spigot and fill our canteens.

"How long you here for?" I ask X-Ray.

"I don't know. I've been here nearly 6 months so not long now"

"I'd hate to be here that long" I sigh mumbling to myself.

"But your sentence is 14 months" X-Ray raised an eyebrow and I laughed.

"You think this is the first time I've been to a place like this? No one is gonna make me stay here for that long. I already have an escape plan and if you tell anyone I will stitch your lips together"

I walked away and joined D-Tent as we walked to our digging spot with Mr Sir. I noticed instead of smoking he's chewing on bird seeds.

He marked our digging posts like every morning and I began digging. The blisters on my hand aren't as sore anymore and they are starting to fade.

As the day goes on nothing interesting happens. The boys talk about the most random things, Dr Pendanski and Mr Sir come by and fill our canteens. Finally it's lunch time. My stomach won't stop rumbling, aching for food.

Mr Pendanski comes by with the lunch truck and stops at us. We get in line and get food. I sit at my freshly dug hole, everyone is still far ahead of me with digging. Especially Hector, that boy is one incredibly fast digger. Zigzag sits beside me.

"Hey blade" He greets.

"Hi Ziggy I reply then take a needed bite out of my sandwich. For a couple minutes it's silent while we eat.

"You really are a slow digger" Ziggy says.

"I just got here, its not like I just dug holes all day back when I was free" I snap.

"What's got you so upset?"

"Nothing, I just can't stand this place anymore" I tell him.

"Me either but there's no escaping, look around it's a desert with no water for miles" Ziggy says.

"There's always a way" and with that it fell silent again as we ate.

"I better get digging, see ya" Ziggy said getting up.

"Bye" I waved as he walked away. I began digging again when I finished eating. Like usual Hector was finished first. The day was long and boring like the rest. I finally finished seconds before Armpit.

"Walk you back?" Armpit offered.

"I don't have a choice" I smiled. As we walked back I noticed lizards in previously dug holes. I never seen them before.

"I think we dig the holes for the lizards" Armpit breaks the silence as he catches me staring into each hole in the ground we pass.

"Why?" I ask raising an eyebrow and looking at him like he's crazy.

"The rest of the guys think I'm crazy too. Think about it though, why else would we dig?" Even though I knew the real answer I can't tell him. I shrug and think of something.

"To build character, that's why we're here, right?"

"You sound just like X-Ray. That's what they say we're here for but it doesn't exactly mean it's true" Armpit sighs. We reach camp and throw our shovels in the pile and walk to D-Tent.
"Blade, you got a letter" Squid points to my bed.

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