Fresh Meat

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Hailie Roscoe sat on a ran down school bus heading to Camp Green Lake. She's 15 years old with dark blue eyes and brown hair that was in a side plight. She was coming from London.

She had been on the bus for countless hours. She was shocked to see dug holes that went on for miles, she was even more shocked to see teenage boys digging them as she got closer to camp.

There was only three people on the bus, The guard, The driver and Hailie. She was handcuffed to the seat railing in front of her. Her bag was on the seat next to hers.

She sat 4rows back. She was wearing a blue t-shirt, blue zipper, Black shorts, Black socks and White and Black Nike Air Max. The bus stopped and she was relieved when she was uncuffed and let off the bus. All the campers were looking at her and soon a crowd was beginning to form around her.

"Yo fresh meat" one boy called out.

"Its a girl" another boy shouted and cat calls were made.

"Hey baby" A boy winked. Hailie was blushing.

"This way" The guard ordered and he started walking so Hailie followed. They reached the councillors office and the guard opened the door and let Hailie in first. A man with a cowboy hat on was sitting on a chair behind a desk.

"Sit" the man told her and she did. The guard handed the man paperwork.

"Hailie Roscoe?" He asked.

"That's me" She answered bored.

"You thirsty Hailie?" He asked.

"Yeah" she replied.

"Well get used to it you're gonna be thirsty for the next 14 months" He said standing up. "My name is Mr Sir. Whenever you address me you use my full name" Mr Sir told her. Hailie sighed.

"Yes Mr Sir" She mumbled. Mr Sir got two cokes from the cooler behind him and handed them to the guard.

"one for you and one for the driver" Mr Sir told him.

"Thanks" He smiled. They walked out the office and the guard headed to the bus while Mr Sir and Hailie headed to another cabin.

"Hi Mr Sir" a boy greeted as they walked in. The boy looked at Hailie and winked. The boy handed Mr Sir some clothes, shoes and a hat and a canteen. Mr Sir handed Hailie one set.

"Undress" Mr Sir told her and the other boy focused his eyes on her with a smile across his face. Hailie looked at Mr Sir. "Whats the matter?" Mr Sir sighed annoyed.

"Well turn around" She told them.

"What do you mean turn around?" he asked.

"What you gonna watch me undress?" She asked in disgust. Mr Sir growled and turned around.

"You too" Mr Sir told the boy. The boy sighed and did as he was told. Hailie got undressed and started to put on the clothes she was given.

"You have to dig a hole each day. 5 ft. deep and 5 ft. in diameter your shovel is your measuring stick. Keep alert for rattlesnakes and yellow spotted lizards. Being bit by a rattlesnake isn't the worst thing that can happen to you,  you wont die usually but if you get bit by a yellow spotted lizard that is the worst thing you will die a slow and painful death always" He told her as she listened carefully.

She rolled up the sleeves  of her new jumpsuit, She put her collar up and kept it unzipped so her white t-shirt was showing then she put her hat on backwards.

"Done" She said and both Mr Sir and the boy turned around.

"Laundry is done every 3 days one set of clothes is for work the other is for relaxation. After they get washed your second set becomes your work clothes"

*Holes Fanfic* Camp Green LakeWhere stories live. Discover now