Not All Sunshine And Rainbows

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I get out my bed and groan. I quickly change and fix my hair. I walk out along with the rest of the guys. One by one we all line up to get a shovel then breakfast. Squid walks up to me.

"Hey Blade" He greets as I finish the gooey breakfast.

"Hi" I reply.

"Come on we gotta fill our canteens" Squid says and we walk together to the water spigot. We begin filling our canteens with water.

"So that was a close call yesterday with that lizard. Thanks for the help by the way means a lot" I sag the end but sarcastically.

"It ain't my I don't want bit"

"And I do?"

"I don't know" He shrugs. I glare at him before walking away to join D-Tent. We walk to a clear area and begin digging when we're given a spot. Dr Pendanski gives Hector the same speech about digging Mr Sir gave me. As the day went on everyone began making small talk.

"Hey Zero you heard about the lizards?" Armpit asks.

"There was one in the hole Blade was digging yesterday" Barf Bag adds.

"Big fat one, almost killed her" Zigzag says.

"Bullshit, it never tried to kill me" I say.

"Sorry for not helping you" X-Ray says.

"It's nothing personal, like I said we just ain't willing to die for a girl" Magnet tells me.

"Yeah well I ain't gonna forget that or the fact you guys done nothing to to help me yesterday" I tell them.

"Would you do that for us?" Armpit asks.

"I would've but now I wouldn't" I state.

"Yeah right, you probably would've done the same" Magent says.

"You don't know me, so don't think you or any of you have me figured out because truth is you dont" I say.

"Someone's time of the month" Squid mumbles.

"EWWWW" Everyone shouts in unison.

"No, it ain't I'm just tired and pissed" I state.

"Sorry chika" Magnet apologies. I take a drink from my canteen and begin digging. The sun rises making it harder to dig. Before long Dr Pendanski comes with lunch. I go to the end of the line behind Hector.

"How's your hands?" I ask him.

"Sore, blisters everywhere" Hector sighs.

"Same with me" I show him my hands that are full with blisters. "Sucks right?"

"Totally" I look and see the hole he was digging is really deep.

"You work super fast" I tell him.

"Yeah, I guess" He shrugs. I get my lunch and sit down at my slightly dug hole. X-Ray sits beside me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing" He replies I shrug and continue eating my sandwich. "Sorry"

"For what?" I ask.

"Not helping you yesterday with the lizard"

"You should be"

"Can't you just except my apology?"

"No because you're a dick like the rest of the guys and I swear I found that thing had bitten me I would come back and haunt all of you"

"Listen, I like you we all do but that doesn't mean we're gonna risk our lives for you. We barely know you" X-Ray tells me honestly.

"For the record, I would have helped any of you. It's called being nice"

"You're brave and I like that. If it makes you feel any better we won't make that same mistake twice if it comes to it" X-Ray got up and began to walk away.

"Hey X-Ray!" I call and he stops and turns around to look at me. "Thanks, I forgive you guys" He smiles and continues walking to his hole. I finish my lunch and begin digging again. The day drags on and on. I'm half way done my hole when the first person finishes. It's Hector.

"You're finished?" Barf Bag asks shocked. The boys gather round to see the freshly dug hole.

"You gotta spit in it" Magnet says.

"It's tradition everyone has to" X-Ray tells him. Hector looks confused but spits in it anyway and walks away.

"That boy is one fast digger" Zigzag comments. I finish digging nearly last again. I get out and spit in the hole I just spent what felt like a life time digging. Armpit does the same.

"I'll walk back with you" I tell Armpit.

"Like you got a choice" Armpit smirks.

"How long did it take you to get used to this place?" I ask.

"Weeks, months maybe" Armpit replies. I sigh.

"If you knew you'd be coming here would you have still beat up those boys?" I ask.

"No, this place sucks"

"Same here" We continue talking until we make our way back the tent. I pick up my other pair of clothes and head to the wardens cabin for a shower. I knocked on the cabin door and my mom answered.

"Hey darlin' come on in" My mom opened the door.

"Can I ask you something mom?" I ask looking at the poster of Kissing Kate Barlow.

"Sure" She replies.

"What's your obsession with Kate Barlow? Her loot could be anywhere and you've still got us digging for it"

"Your great grandfather had me digging for that loot everyday of his life, even through Christmas. That was my childhood be lucky you had a better one with your daddy. Anyway, giving up now makes my childhood seem worthless and I gotta know what's in that loot it's all I ever wanted"

"I'm guessing that means you ain't gonna give up on it anytime soon, come home and be a family again?" I ask.

"I'm sorry hunny, I can't"

"Whatever just forget I mentioned it. I'm going for a shower" I sigh and get up. I walk into the bathroom almost slamming the door behind me.

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