First Hole's The Hardest

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I was woke up by a loud bell. I groaned and stretched my arms before standing up.

'Shit gotta change in front of boys! Maybe they'll be too sleepy to notice' 

I quickly got changed. I noticed a few stares at the corner of my eyes but I ignored them I'm way too tired to do anything about it. I quickly put my hair in a side plight. I walked outside with the boys and walked over to a small shed that everyone lined up infront of.

I was third in line. I got my shovel and headed over to get breakfast trailing my shovel on the ground all the way. I took a bite and it doesn't taste as bad as it looks. Its meat that been dipped in a yellow gooey liquid.

"Like it?" Zigzag asked me as he walked over.

"Its okay I guess" I replied.

"You'll get used to it trust me" He said giving a small smile.

"Thanks" I said smiling back.

"Come on we gotta go fill our canteens" Zigzag said.

"Where do we fill them?" I asked curiously.

"There's a water spigot over at the showers come on" Zigzag pointed to the showers and we started walking over. We filled our canteens up.

"Isn't there any other showers?" I asked disgusted there wasn't any walls or even a roof. Well there is walls just small ones. Anyone can see people shower in that.

"What do you mean?" He asked before we walked back to were everyone is.

"Well I don't want anyone to watch me shower its creepy" I answered.

"Everyone will be busy in the wreck room when they get back from digging so go when no ones around easy, plus the showers only last a few minutes so you'll be fast" Zigzag smiled. 

We walked over to D-tent who had just started walking. We walked and walked with Mr Sir leading the way until we finally came to a stop. Mr Sir marked out where we've to dig.

"This ain't no girl scouts, no ones gonna babysit ya. The longer you take to dig, the longer you'll be out in the hot sun" Mr Sir told me as he marked my spot to dig. "If you find anything intresting you have to report it to me or Pendanski and we'll report it to the warden, if the warden likes what you find youll get the rest of the day off.  Well start digging"

I dug my shovel into the ground and started digging. Mr Sir left us ourselfs. I started digging, taking a drink of my canteen every so often, Dr Pandanski drove up to where we're digging. He was driving a water truck and I was relieved as my canteen only had a few drops of water left.

I stepped out of my hole which wasn't very deep and neither was my dirt pile. I looked around noticing everyone's holes were deeper than mine.

"How's your hands?" Squid asked walking up to me.

"Killing me" I sighed looking at the blisters starting to form on my hands.

"You'll get used to it" Squid tried reassuring me.

"Yeah, just like breakfast and everything else in this place" I moaned.

"It aint that  bad after a while, trust me I've been here a long time" Squid said and we joined the line. Squid let me go infront of him. Dr Pendanski filled my canteen and I went back to my hole and sat down for a rest. I was suprised that Zigzag sat next to me.

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